Enhanced Product Invoicing

Previously, if you wanted to bill for a Product in Service Autopilot, you had to print the Product on the Invoice. With Enhanced Product Invoicing, we’ve added a setting on the Estimate, Job, Visit, and Invoice level that hides Products on the Invoice but still charges the client for them. There is also a default selection that can be made in your Company Settings.

Default Settings

To set the default print selection for Products, navigate to Settings > Company Information > Settings tab. You will see an option at the bottom to set your default preference.

On Estimates

For estimates, the setting can be found on a Product line item. Click the Options button to reveal the Enhanced Product Invoicing:


  • Confirm? - When checked, this option requires you to confirm the Product was used and how much was used (quantity). If Products need to be confirmed, they will appear in red on the Dispatch Board. You must confirm the Product before it will appear on the Invoice or its PDF.


    On the Dispatch Board, click the barcode icon on the right to confirm the Product.


    If you want the Product to appear on the Invoice, select Add to Invoice. If you select Used, do not Invoice then the Product will not appear on the Invoice even if "Invoice?" and "Print on Invoice?" are checked.


  • Invoice? – When checked, the Product will appear on the Invoice once the Job is complete, and the Invoice is generated. The default for this option can be selected under Estimate Settings.

    Note: If “Invoice?” is checked but “Print on Invoice?” is not, then the Product amount will be included in the service amount on the PDF, therefore it will not have a separate line item.


  • Print on Invoice? – When checked, a separate line item for the Product appears on the Invoice PDF.


  • Create Installed Product? - Use this option if you are installing products that have a warranty. Installed Products will appear above the Activity Stream so you can keep track of warranty, installation, and service information.

To the left of a Product line item, you also have the option to use the Invoice icon and Printer icon.
The Invoice icon controls the "Invoice?" checkbox.
The Printer icon controls whether or not the Product will print on the Estimate


On Jobs

If you schedule a job from an estimate, then the Enhanced Product Invoicing moves over to the job. If you're scheduling a new job or viewing a master job, click the Options button on a Product line item to view the settings:


Again, if “Invoice?” is checked but “Print on Invoice?” is not, you will not see the product on the invoice. Instead, the service amount will be the total of the Product and Service Rate.

On Visits

At the Visit level, you’ll find these settings under the Products tab by clicking on the orange Options button:


Tip: The Options button will not be visible if the Visit is in a Completed Status.

On Invoices

Finally, once the Visit is completed and the Invoice is generated, you can manage the Print settings on the Invoice level. To edit this setting, click on the line item you want to update, then select the Yes or No radio dial next to "Print on Invoice."


I currently have Yes selected. This means the invoice PDF will display the Product on its own line item.

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