Events are how you manage the Snow Dispatch Board. We recommended creating a new Event for each storm. Once your Snow system is set up, you can add an Event in anticipation of an upcoming storm. This will make managing Jobs easier and quicker once the storm arrives.
To create an Event, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Scheduling > Dispatch Snow Jobs.
- Click the Plus Icon to the right of the Actions menu and event list dropdown.
- The Add Event overlay appears. Change any fields as needed and click Save.
- Dispatch Status - Select the current status of your event.
- Pending - Set up and planning
- Working - Event currently in progress
- Complete - Event is complete and all Jobs finalized
- Dispatch Date/Time - The date and time of the expected storm
- Description - Name of the event that will appear in the event list dropdown
- Active - Deselecting this box will move the event to the inactive list
- Dispatch Status - Select the current status of your event.
- Click on the orange More drop-down in the top right and select Add To Dispatch.
- The Add to Dispatch overlay appears. Specify search parameters to retrieve the On Demand Jobs you want to add to this Event.
- Dispatch by Route - Add Jobs from a Master Route
- Dispatch by Service - Add Jobs that contain the Services you select
- Dispatch by Resource - Add Jobs that are assigned to a specified Resource
- Once a Route, Service, or Resource is selected from the dropdown, click Search. A list of Jobs that match the search criteria appears.
- Place a checkmark next to the Jobs you wish to add to the event then click Add To Dispatch.
- On the Event view, make any changes to the Jobs, such as assigning Resources or routing. These features are the same as the standard Dispatch Board.
- Once all necessary updates are made and the storm has begun, select the Jobs you wish to Dispatch then select Actions > Dispatch.
Important: Click on the Pencil Icon to the right of the Plus Icon and change the Event Status to Working once the storm begins. This will ensure that your Resources in the field can see the Jobs on the mobile app.