Columns on the Dispatch Board can be customized to display useful information about each Job. You can even save a selected set of columns to display in a custom view.
To customize columns on the Dispatch Board, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Scheduling > Dispatch Jobs.
- Hover over the Columns dropdown on the right.
- Select the columns you wish to display on the Dispatch Board.
Note: Any columns listed below "Event Category" are Custom Fields, which are set up under Settings > Custom Fields.
- If you wish to save your selected columns as a custom view, click on Dispatch Board > Create View.
Column Definitions
- Order - Route order
- Status (St) - Job status
- Close Out Day - A group of columns:
- Start and End - Start and End time recorded on the Job
- Hours - Average number of hours for each Resource on the Job
- Men - Total number of men on the Job
- Qty - Quantity for the Job
- Rate - Rate for the Job
- Priority (Pri) - The Job priority , which is set on the Visit overlay by clicking on the Service name
- Client - Client name and street address
- Account Balance (Acct Balance) - Client account balance
- Service - Name of the Service or for Work Orders, the Work Order description
- Date - Date of the scheduled Service
- Map - Map Code entered on the Client
- City - Client's City
- Zip - Client's postal code
- Assigned - Assigned Resource
- Sales Rep - Sales rep specified at the master Job level
- Last Service Date (Last Svc) - Date of last completed Service for the Client
- Sub Status - Sub status of the Job specified under the Visit overlay by clicking on the Service Name
- Project Number (Project #) - Project number if the Job is part of a Project
- Budgeted Hours (B Hrs)- Budgeted Hours entered on the Job and for Multi-Day Jobs, the number in parentheses is the remaining B Hrs on the overall Job
- Variance - Budgeted hours minus actual hours, and on a Multi-Day Job, a running variance (negative values will display in green colored font and positive values will display in red)
- Amount (Amt)- Job Quantity times the Rate and the total amount invoiced to the Client
- Product Total - Total amount of all Products on the Job
- Total - Sum of the Job amount and Product Total
- Actual Hours (Actual) - Total time spent on the Job for all Resources
- Apx Mileage - Approximate mileage as-the-crow-flies from the previous stop
- Tip - An editable field to enter a tip amount
- Completed By - Resource that marked the Job complete
- Instruction Emails Sent - Letter icon to indicate chemical instruction emails not sent or mailbox icon to indicate sent
- Event Category - Category for a scheduled Calendar Event
Column Icon Definitions
Confirm Appointment - Indicate if the Client has confirmed the appointment
Edit Job Notes - Edit or view the Job notes
Edit Products - Edit or view Products; a yellow border indicates there are Products on the Job
Time Records - Edit or view time records on the Job
View Photos - View photos taken from the mobile app