This article is an overview of the functionality available on the Dispatch Calendar. Designed for daily and weekly scheduling, the Dispatch Calendar allows you to see a more streamlined version of the work you have scheduled with most of the major functionality of the Dispatch Board.
You can access the Dispatch Calendar by going to Scheduling > Dispatch Calendar.
On the top left is the view selection. You can use this section to access the views you've already created or create new views.
On the top right is the More dropdown list where you can Print the Dispatch Calendar, Send Emails, view Jobs without Emails, Assign Teams, Send Texts, Export the Dispatch Calendar, Customize Cards, and Show Legend. The legend shows what each icon and color means on the Dispatch Calendar.
The Dispatch Calendar main screen can be viewed by Week or Resource. The Resource view displays any combination of Resources for a day, alphabetically, from left to right. The Week view displays the Jobs per day of the week, Monday through Sunday. As a default, it will open the current week but you can view more than a week at a time by changing the date range.
Underneath the view selection are additional actions you can take:
Click the Person icon to show only scheduled resources. Select a tile to quickly access a date for the current week. Use the Refresh button after selecting a date or applying filters. Select the Pin icon to hide and display the map. The Funnel icon is your filtering for the main screen and the Resources & Teams panel. Clicking on it opens a dialog with all the filtering options you see on the Dispatch Board and company calendar. Use the Up Arrow icon to hide the Header and maximize your screen.
Use the Left Arrow icon to hide the Resources & Teams panel:
When the header and panel are hidden, the arrows reverse direction. Click the arrows again to expand these sections as needed.
Underneath the Teams & Resources panel is the Waiting List Jobs panel. Click the name to hide or display this section.
Use the Funnel and Refresh icons to apply filters to your Waiting List jobs and refresh your search results.