Create an Automation for SendJim Integration

You can integrate SendJim with SA to automate your mailings based on chosen actions within SA. Once the SendJim integration is set up, you can customize your automations to trigger SendJim mailings.

Note: View the SendJim help article and video for more information on how to integrate SendJim with SA.

To set up a SendJim automation, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Marketing > Automations.
  2. Choose Add Automation or select an existing Automation to edit.
  3. Select Add Sequence and fill in the required information.

  4. Drag and drop a marketing event onto the sequence.

  5. Click on the added marketing event in the sequence to open the "Edit Marketing Event" overlay.
  6. Select the Quick Send campaign from the drop down and who you would like to receive the mailers.

  7. Select Save Event and toggle the event and sequence to "on" by clicking on the red buttons. They will change to green to show they are activated.

  8. Select Save on the automation in the top right corner of the screen.

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