Note: This article is for basic Estimates, which is only available with the Startup level subscription. Advanced Estimates can be seen in this section of articles.
To add a basic Estimate, follow these steps:
- Navigate to CRM > Estimates.
- Click Add Estimate in the top right.
- Select the Client or Lead the Estimate is for and change any other settings if needed.
- Click Add Item and choose the Service from the dropdown.
- Repeat step four for each Service you wish to quote, then change the Rates and Quantities as needed.
- Click Save. You'll notice the Print and Email options appear in the top right.
- Print or Email the Estimate. If you email the Estimate, a PDF with the Estimate information will be attached to the email the Client receives.
Once the Estimate is printed or emailed, the Estimate stage will change to "Estimate Sent". We recommend updating the stage once again after the Estimate is accepted or rejected. You can do this by going to Actions > Update Stage on the Estimate list screen.