Create and Send a New SA (V3) Text Messaging Consent Form

You must receive consent from a Client or Lead before you can send them a Two-Way Text message. The easiest way to receive this consent is to provide a Form to your clients.

Warning: If a Client or Lead has opted-out of text messages, this form cannot be used to opt them back in. They must text one of the keywords (yes, unstop, or start) to your business.

Create a New SA Consent Form

To create a New SA consent Form, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Marketing > Forms. Toggle from V2 to New SA on the top right of the page, if needed.

  2. Below the toggle, select Add Form. If you want to add the consent field to an existing Form, select that Form instead and skip to step 5.
  3. In the left panel, select to start with a blank form.

  4. Change the default name of the Form. This will be visible to the recipient.

  5. You may add any field you'd like at this point but there are four required fields: Name, Contact Email, Cell Phone, and Text Message Opt-in.

    !! Important !! - The Phone field must be a cell phone number to properly create the opt-in record for the Client.

  6. Click on each field to add it to the body of the Form on the right. You can then edit any field description by selecting the field and typing in the description text box.

    !! Important !! - It is imperative that you leave the name of your company in the Text Opt-In description field. It must be completely obvious to whom the Form recipient is providing consent.

  7. Mark each name field, cell phone field, and email field as required.

  8. Once done adding fields, select Next on the bottom right to move to the Configure step.
  9. Select the Account Management section and ensure that "Automatically Manage Accounts" is toggled on. 

  10. Select Next on the bottom right then select the Form Options section on the left.
  11. Select Website then select Publish:

  12. Once the Publish option is selected, you can Copy the Hosted or Embedded form code to place on your website if needed.

Sending the Consent Form

To send the consent Form via email, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to CRM > Clients or Leads.
  2. Select the filter Text Opt-In = Needs Opt-In and click Search. This narrows down the Account list by only showing Accounts that haven't opted-in or out of text messaging.

  3. Select all Clients with the top checkbox and go to Actions > Marketing.
  4. Select Filtered in the Send Type dialog.

  5. Either select a premade email document template by selecting Insert Document or compose a new email. Whichever route you select, the email body must contain the Merge/Personalization Tag for [formlink] and the Form you created must be selected in the Insert Form dropdown. The system will replace the [formlink] merge tag with a link to your consent Form.

  6. When you're done creating the email, click Send.
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