Release Notes | May 10, 2024

Improvements Added to SA

Client Screen Performance Improvements - We have made several performance improvements to the Client screen. These improvements will enhance the overall page load time, service history load time, and mobile attachment load time.

New Dispatch Board Add/Remove Tags - We have added the ability to add and remove tags from Clients on the New Dispatch Board. You can find this new feature under the Actions menu.

Two Way Texting: Capturing Consent from Clients - To ensure that we are compliant with text messaging regulations, we have added new features that will help obtain consent to text Clients and Leads. We have added the following:

  • A field that can be added to Forms to obtain consent from Clients and Leads
  • A filter on the Client List that allows you to filter for Clients and Leads who have opted-in, opted-out, or are undecided about receiving text messages
  • An Automation condition that will consider whether or not a Client has opted-in to receiving text messages
  • Removed opt-in verbiage from outgoing text messages

Updates to Correct System Issues

The following issues have been resolved with this release:

New Dispatch Board Grid- There was an issue where the New Dispatch Board would not always load visits onto the page.

New Dispatch Board Job Comments - There was an issue causing Job comments to not load with Visits by default.

New Dispatch Board Zip Code Filter - There was an issue where you could not filter for more than one zip code when using the zip code filter.

Estimates Line Items - In some instances, scheduling a Job from an Estimate would cause some Estimate line items to duplicate.

Account Statement Email Tickets - There was an issue where the "From" email address was not appearing for account statement Tickets.

Estimate Preview - There was an issue causing Estimate previews to take a long time to load.

Invoices: Discounts - There was an issue where discounts on Estimates were showing on Invoices incorrectly. 

Legacy App Skip Job - There was an issue on the Legacy App where skipping a Job would not clock the employee out of drive time.

Team App Calendar Events - There was an issue on Android devices where the Team App would not allow the calendar event to be completed if there was no Client associated with the event.

Team App Notifications - There was an issue on the Team App that prevented the "Job Added" notification from appearing when a job was dispatched.

Team App Break Times - There was an issue where break times from the Team App would not always update timesheets.

Team App Products - There was an issue where adding Products to a Job from the Team app would remove the Products from the Job.

Contract Invoice Products - There was an issue where Products were not correctly updating the Contract Invoice amount.

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