Remove a Client or Lead from an Automation Sequence Pipeline

You must stop an Automation for a Client or Lead to remove them from the Automation Sequence Pipeline.

To Stop an Automation for a Client or Lead, follow these steps:

From the Client or Lead Screen

  1. Navigate to the Client's or Lead's Account.
  2. Scroll down to the Activity Stream and filter for "Automation Instances."

    Activity Stream.jpg

  3. Click the Automation you want to remove the Account from.

    Click the Automation.jpg

  4. This opens their Automation View. Click Stop Automation to remove the Account from the Sequence Pipeline.

    Automation View.jpg

From the Automations List Screen

  1. Go to Marketing > Automations.
  2. Click the Number under the "# Scheduled" column to open the Automation Sequence Pipeline.

    Automations List Screen.jpg

  3. On the Automation Sequence Pipeline overlay, click the Tile card for the Sequence you want to manage. This will redirect you to the Automation Sequence List screen for that sequence.

    Sequence Tile Card.jpg

  4. Filter for the Account you want to remove from the pipeline then click the Automation Name. This opens their Automation View.

    Automation Sequence List.jpg

  5. On the Automation View screen, click Stop Automation.

    Automation View.jpg

From Within an Automation

  1. Go to Marketing > Automations.
  2. Open the Automation you want to manage.
  3. Click View Pipeline on the top right.

    View Pipeline.jpg

  4. On the Automation Sequence Pipeline overlay, click the Tile card for the Sequence you want to manage.

    Sequence Tile Card.jpg

  5. Filter for the Account you want to remove from the pipeline then click the Automation Name.

    Automation Sequence List.jpg

  6. This opens their Automation View. Click Stop Automation.

    Automation View.jpg
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