This release is the next phase of our V3 redesign of Service Autopilot. Important changes have been made to Accounts, Accounting, Jobs, and Forms, plus some updates to the Team app.
Remember that when you are using the new features in V3, you can always switch back to the V2 version by clicking "switch back" at the top of the window.
Training Resources
The Help Center contains training videos and documentation about Service Autopilot features, including updated information on the latest changes for V3.
Videos and Knowledge Base Articles
Go to HELP > Knowledge Base and search on “V3” or the specific topic.
User Guides
Go to HELP > User Guide and look for updated guides on:
- Accounting
- Automations
- Automations Triggers & Conditions
- Forms
- Legacy app
- Team app
- User Roles & Rights
New and Updated Features in V3
The Accounts screen has been redesigned to V3 standards. You’ll notice that many items are in different places, and there is new terminology to learn. (Relax, it will be worth it.)
Accounts (Clients and Leads)
- With V3, both Clients and Leads are called Accounts, and the Account Status tells you whether it’s a client or lead. You can filter by the status of the account to see clients and leads in separate lists.
General Ledger Fields
- Chart of Account fields (previously labeled “Account”) have been changed to G/L Account (General Ledger Account).
- Hyperlinks appear as black text for users with insufficient permissions.
Quick Add
- When adding a new client or lead on the Accounts screen in V3, you can still click the Quick Add (+) button. Just choose the option “Account” instead of “Client” or “Lead.”
Schedule Job
- A new Schedule Job button is now available on the Actions panel of the Review Account
Send Messages
- Under Advanced Actions on the Review Account overlay, you can send Messages with options of email or text.
Smart Maps
- The Mapping tool lets you quickly capture property measurements. Using the drawing tool, you can outline items on a property and easily calculate square footage for the property, house, turf, driveway, etc.
Go to CRM > Accounts > [Account name] > (Review Property)
Activity Stream
The Activity Stream, formerly called the “Timeline,” lets you search for past visits, future visits, transactions, and estimates associated with an account as before. You now can also see milestones, form responses, and automation instances.
- Under Account Review, you can search on these activities:
- Transactions (Invoices, Payments, Credits, Refunds, etc.)
- Estimates
- Form Responses
- Past and Future Visits
- Automation Instances (shows date entered and exited)
- Milestones
- “Account Name” was created as a lead
- “Account Name” was created as a client
- Estimate “#” was won
- Estimate “#” was lost
- “Account Name” was converted to a client
- “Job Name” was sold
- “Job Name” was cancelled
- “Account Name” was cancelled
- “Account Name” was closed
- “Account Name” was reactivated (same for Lead or Client)
- “Account Name” was merged into this account
What’s Missing in Accounts Screens
These items will be included in a later release:
- Bulk Edit and Bulk Schedule options are not available on the Accounts If you need to do these functions, you have the option to switch back to Service Autopilot V2 to use them.
- To Do’s are not included on the Activity Stream for this release, in preparation for the new Tickets to be included in a future release.
Installment Plans (Contracts)
SA “Contracts” are now “Installment Plans.” Installment Plans allow you to invoice based on preset monthly amounts, rather than on jobs that were completed.
IMPORTANT: V2 Contracts are not automatically converted to Installment Plans, so you will need to do this manually. You can perform a simple Bulk Conversion on the Contracts list.
This conversion cannot be undone.
- Go to Accounting > Contracts.
- Select the check boxes for any contracts you want to convert, or select all at the top.
- In the Actions list, click Convert to Installment Plan.
Note: After you convert to Installment Plans, you must be in V3 to review or edit them.
Installment Plans feature enhanced functionality:
- Each monthly installment plan invoice can have multiple line items, which lets you designate funds to different accounts for accounting purposes.
For example, if the May invoice is for $200, but half is for lawn maintenance and half is for irrigation work, the Installment Plan invoice could have two line items: $100 for Lawn Maintenance and $100 for Irrigation.
- The print settings for Installment Plan invoices are now set on the Installment Plan. You can specify which line items need to appear on the invoices.
- Overages for Installment Plans will now be set at the job level rather than on the Installment Plans themselves.
- You can create a new Installment Plan by using the Job Wizard, or on the Review Account overlay at CRM > Accounts > [Account name], under the Advanced Actions
- Expenses also reflect the V3 interface, but there are no notable changes with the functionality of V3 expenses.
There are some significant changes to Jobs in this release.
Creating a Job
- The process for creating Jobs is now simpler. You will be guided through a three-step job creation wizard, which simplifies the process.
One Time and Waiting List Jobs
- One Time Jobs and Waiting List Jobs are now the same thing. If you enter a date for a One Time Job, it will appear on the Dispatch Board. If you enter a “Complete by date,” it will appear on the Waiting List. All One Time Jobs can be moved to and from the Waiting List.
Repeat Jobs
- Recurring Jobs and Package Jobs are now in the category of “Repeat Jobs.” A “Recurring Job” is a Repeat Job on a Schedule. You can still use both Master Schedules or a Custom Schedule.
Jobs and Visits
- Master Jobs and Jobs are now called Jobs and Visits. A Recurring Job would have multiple Visits.
Form Responses
With this release, you have new options for V3 Form responses:
Form Responses list
- We’ve added Common Filters to the Form Responses list.
Print Form Responses
- On the Form Responses screen, click Print in the left panel to generate a PDF. You can then save/download/print with the buttons on the top right.
- Form responses must be printed individually.
Email Form Responses
- Example: Your crew fills out a checklist form after a job. You could email the checklist to the client to show what was done.
- This process could be automated by setting up a notification email on the Form.
- Form responses must be emailed individually.
Other Changes to Forms
- Styling changes include:
- Updating some dialogs for consistency
- Form Builder Field Toolbar
- Form Builder Theme Selections let you click to select an entire area
- You cannot use the “Source Code” publishing option if you have Captcha enabled or if there’s a Credit Card Update field on the form.
V3 Forms on the Marketplace (Certified Advisors only)
With this release, Certified Advisors can post V3 Forms on the Marketplace.
- When a CA publishes a V3 form, it will appear on the Marketplace in a dropdown list where they can upload it.
- If a V3 Form is embedded in an Automation, the Form will be pulled in automatically.
Filling Out V3 Forms
You can fill out V3 Forms on the V3 Account Review and Visit Review screens.
We made some terminology changes with Job-based items to be consistent with V3 terminology, e.g., a single occurrence of a “Job” is now a “Visit”
- Triggers and Conditions have been reworded accordingly. For example, the old Trigger “Job was dispatched” becomes “Visit was dispatched”
SA Payments
- On the Add Credit Card form, the “Description” field was changed to “First and Last Name.”
- In the Client Portal, the confirmation message now reads, “The credit card was successfully authenticated.”
Team App
Updated Team App Functionality
- You now can require job notes to be read again if the job note is updated.
- The user will now be taken to the Review Job Notes screen when clocking out of a property if there are any unread job notes.
- A new confirmation message was added for when a user backs out of the Review Job Notes
- You now can upload additional file types to properties, including .doc and .xls.
- Users can now play back videos attached to a form.
User Rights for New Team App Functions
Some new Team app functions require that the user have permissions set up. Go to Settings > User Roles & Rights > “Mobile” tab:
- Require “Before” Pictures and Require “After” Pictures (Team app users can be prompted to add before-and-after photos, similar to the Legacy app)
- Add Service
- Add Product
- Edit Job Quantity (Per-Unit service quantities are the only ones that can be edited)
- Edit Product Quantity
Updates to Correct System Issues
- Some Members integrated with Clearent were using V3 Forms to update credit card information. However, they were not seeing Automations honoring the “Card on File” condition correctly. This has been fixed.
- In rare cases, some errors occurred when exporting Form responses. This has been fixed.
Legacy App
- If a To Do was associated with a Vendor, an error might display on My Schedule or Company Schedule. This has been fixed.
- Previously, an error would display upon login or a sync if 1,000+ jobs were on the schedule. This has been fixed.
Report Center
Schedule Manager
- Previously, you could delete an Analysis from the “Home” tab, but if it was scheduled to be sent, you couldn’t remove that option from the Schedule Manager after the Analysis was deleted. Now, a Delete option is available.
Service Autopilot
Credits Screen
- Previously, the reference number was not displaying in the Credits screen title bar. This has been fixed.
Multiday Jobs
- There were some problems with Multiday jobs displaying incorrect budgeted hours, incorrect revenue, and the wrong count of employees on the job. These have been fixed.