All Service Autopilot users must have permission to access different functions and areas of the system. These permissions, or Rights, are associated with a Role. Roles can be used by multiple different users and are key in getting employees set up quickly in SA, especially as your business grows.
For example, you can decide what Rights you want all your Sales Reps to have, create a Role with those Rights, then assign that Role to any new Sales Reps that may join your company.
To access User Roles & Rights, go to Settings > User Roles & Rights. This will take you to your list of Roles. Click any Role to see the Rights associated with it.
Before you can assign a Role to an SA user, you'll need to create the new Employee or Vendor. User Roles & Rights only affect Employees and/or Vendors who are also SA users. You can designate that when the Resource is created.
For more specific information about User Roles and User Rights, see the next two articles.