Master Schedules allow you to create a scheduling template that can be used on Recurring Jobs for your Clients. You can assign multiple Jobs to a Master Schedule.
To add a Master Schedule, follow these steps:
- Go to Settings > Master Schedules.
- Click Add Schedule.
- Enter the Schedule Name and optional Description. Make sure your schedule is Active.
- Select the dates you want to add to the schedule by clicking on each. Dates will turn dark gray when selected.
- Click Save & Generate.
Time-Saving Tips:
Click the abbreviated days of the week to select all dates under that day. For example, if you click "We" then all Wednesdays in the month will be highlighted.
The numbers under the "Wk" column on the left side are the week numbers for that calendar year. You can click on a week number to quickly highlight that entire week.
- The system will not allow you to save “backdates” in a schedule.
- Only upcoming dates show on the calendar after it has been saved.
- A set of generic Master Schedules come with each new Service Autopilot account. The start date for each schedule is your sign-up date, and the end date is one calendar year from that date. Once the calendar has reached the end date, it will need to be renewed.
Note: Master Schedules do not automatically renew.
Below the calendar selection table, you can see a list of all Accounts that have Jobs on the Master Schedule you are viewing:
In this table, you have the following options:
- Export the table results
- Modify the page size or move between multiple pages of results
- Click a "Client Name" to be taken to the Client Account screen in a new tab