There are a number of columns you can enable on your Dispatch Board that have particular relevance to Multi-Day Jobs. You may want to create a view specifically for Multi-Day Jobs that includes, at a minimum, the following columns:
- B Hrs – Shows the budgeted hours per day as the top value and the remaining B Hrs on the overall Multi-Day Job as the lower value. Any positive or negative variance to the B Hrs vs. actual hours will be calculated on the following day. For example, I have 10 B. Hrs. on the Multi-Day Job, which is split into 8 B. Hrs. for day one and 2 B. Hrs. for day two. If I only use 7 hours on day one, the system will take the remaining hour for day one and allocate it to day two for a total of 3 B. Hrs.
- Actual – Shows the total actual time worked on that day. For example, if three people worked for five hours each, the column would show “15”.
Variance – Shows two numbers: the Daily Variance and Running Variance (in parenthesis). Negative values display in green while positive values display in red.
- Daily Variance – The top number displayed is the B. Hrs, minus actual hours for the day.
Running Variance – The bottom number (in parenthesis) is how far under or over time you are on the entire project as of that day. Think of this number as a comparison against your original plan.
- Men – The number of people assigned to an instance of the job. When time is logged, it shows the actual number of Resources who clocked time regardless of the Assignment. This column is enabled by selecting Close Out Day on the Column dropdown list.
Amount – The daily amount earned on the job based on the total job amount and daily B. Hrs. OR actual time logged.
- Example: A job for $1000 will last two days. If there are 15 B. Hrs on day 1 and 5 B. Hrs on day 2, the Amount for day 1 would be $750 and the Amount on day 2 would be $250. For the same job, if you logged 10 hours on the first day, the amount on day 1 would be $500.