User Rights for CRM Reports

To set up user rights to run CRM reports, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > User Roles & Rights > [Role Name] > CRM.
  2. Select the checkboxes in the "CRM Reports" columns.

Lead Timeline Report

Allows the user to run the report that shows all lead timeline entries within a date range you select. This report can be filtered by Lead and type, such as Estimates or Tickets.

User Role/Right


Client Balance

Allows the user to run the report that shows what customers owe you and how much.

Client Contracts

Allows the user to run the report that shows a single-line summary of all contracts including billing days and agreed-upon amount.

Client Referral

Allows the user to run the report that shows clients added by customer referrals in the client source.

New Clients Report

Allows the user to run the report that shows new clients created in Service Autopilot. This report can be filtered by date range, status, and sales rep.

New Client Count Report

Allows the user to run the report that shows how many clients were created in Service Autopilot. This report can be filtered by date range. The report is divided by zip code, source, and sales rep.

Cancellation Count Report

Allows the user to run the report that shows the number of client cancellations in Service Autopilot. This report can be filtered by date range. The report is divided by source, sales rep, CSR, and zip code.

Clients Report by Completed Jobs

Allows the user to run the report that shows which clients had jobs completed. This report can be filtered by date range and/or clients that email.

Client Method of Payment

Allows the user to run the report that shows by what method a client typically pays by. This report can be filtered by client type and method of payment.

Terminations Report

Allows the user to run the report that shows new terminations by date range.  This report can be filtered by date range, reasons, and sales rep.

Client Contact List

Allows the user to run the report that shows a client contact list. This report can be filtered by account balance and sales rep. 

Client Phone List

Allows the user to run the report that creates a client phone list. This report can be filtered by the client since date, and by sales rep.

Client Timeline Report

Allows the user to run the report that shows timeline entries (emails, tickets, calls, etc.) for a given time frame. This report can be filtered by date range, client, type, and resource.

Client Source Campaigns

Allows the user to run the report that shows the results of a marketing campaign.  This report can be filtered by date range, source, and recovery days.

Lead Timeline Report

Allows the user to run the report that shows timeline entries (emails, tickets, calls, etc.) for a given time frame. This report can be filtered by lead and type, such as Estimates and Tickets.

QuickBooks Comparison

Allows the user to run the report that shows any discrepancies between QuickBooks and Service Autopilot.  Having the QuickBooks Sync is necessary.

Sales Summary by Source

Allows the user to run the report that shows the conversion percentage from a lead to a client by marketing source. This report can be filtered by date range.

Closed Leads Summary

Allows the user to run the report that shows how many leads were closed. This report can be filtered by date range.

Lead Aging Summary

Allows the user to run the report that shows how many leads have not been converted from 0-120+ days. This report can be filtered by date range.

New Leads Report

Allows the user to run the report that shows when leads were created in Service Autopilot. This report can be filtered by date range or sales rep.

Estimates by Stage

Allows the user to run the report that shows a list of estimates and their current stages. This report can be filtered by date range, sales rep, estimate stage, estimate reason, and custom fields.

Won Estimates by Service

Allows the user to run the report that shows a list of estimates won and divided by service type. This report can be filtered by date range, service, and sales rep.

Won Estimates Service Products

Allows the user to run the report that shows a list of estimates won and attached products. This report can be filtered by date range, service, product, and sales rep.

Won Estimates Service Value

Allows the user to run the report that shows a list of estimates won and how much was collected for services completed versus the original estimated value.  This report can be filtered by date range, service, job status, and sales rep.

Bounced Emails

Allows the user to run the report that shows emails from Service Autopilot that have not been delivered.

Spam Emails

Allows the user to run the report showing emails from Service Autopilot that have been marked as spam.

Forms Summary

Allows the user to run the report that shows a list of forms and the number of responses given. This report can be filtered by form status and date range.

Company Scorecard

Allows the user to see the company scorecard.


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