You can add a Payment from the Payment list as opposed to from a Client Account. This might be helpful if you are entering multiple check payments at a time and want to make sure you haven't missed any. To add a Payment from the Payment list, follow these steps:
- Go to Accounting > Payments.
- Click Add Payment or go to Actions > Add Payment. This will open the Add Payment overlay.
- Begin typing the Client name to filter results. Once you select a Client, the Payment Method will be populated based on the Client default.
- The Date field defaults to the current date. You can change this if necessary.
- Enter the Amount of the payment. Allocate Payment will automatically apply the Payment to existing Invoices starting with the oldest Invoice.
- Change the Payment Method if needed. Selecting Check will populate a "Check #" field. Selecting any credit card type will populate the "Other #" field in case you need to record any type of transaction number.
- Use the "Memo" field to record any specific notes about this Payment.
- Allocate the Payment as needed.
- Click Save & Close or Save & New if you're entering multiple Payments at a time.