Automation Events - Defined

Events are the main processes of aAutomation. After you decide who is to enter a Sequence with the Sequence Rules, you'll add the Events. Events tell the Automation what to do when a Client or Lead has entered the Sequence. Events run from top to bottom in chronological order.  

In the Automation Builder, grab the Events from the left side panel, then drop them into your SequenceAfter dropping the Events into your Sequence, be sure to review the settings for each Event. Each Event has unique settings. Settings in bold are required; anything else will be optional.

Remember to turn on the Events. Events that remain off while the Sequence is active will be skipped. 


Event Type Definition
Alert  An Alert Event creates a notification (Alert) for internal Resources, Vendors, and User Roles. Alerts display on the Alert List (bell icon on the top right corner of your account). Use Alerts when no immediate action is required from a Resource. Unlike To Do’s, Alerts do not require action from the assignee.
Email An Email Event sends an email to external (Clients, Leads) or internal contacts (Resources, Vendors, User Roles). Emails sent through an Email Event will appear in the Email Stats screen of the Automation Builder and the Email Activity screen (Marketing > Email Activity). 
Form Email A Form Email Event sends an email containing a Form to external (Clients, Leads) or internal contacts (Resources, Vendors, Roles). Use this Event when sending an email containing a Form. Always include the Form Link [formlink] or Form URL [formurl] merge tags in the email body to successfully provide access to the link.  

An IF Event acts as a mini-sequence inside your main Sequence. The IF divides the Sequence into another path. Not all Clients or Leads enter the IF path; the Client or Lead must meet the set Condition to enter the IF. 

For example, Clients enter Sequence A. However, you want to divide the Clients who entered the Sequence based on Client Type: Commercial and Residential. The IF condition would be if client = commercial, meaning, all Clients who enter the Sequence and are Commercial Clients will enter the IF path. Those who are not Commercial Clients are going to proceed with the remainder of the Sequence after the IF path is skipped. 


A Marketing Event is available when your SA account is integrated with SendJim. Use this event to trigger SendJim to send a card or gift to your Clients, Leads, or their neighbors.

Note: A SendJim subscription is required.

Note A Note Event adds internal notes to your Automation. They do not affect the workflow of Sequences. Use the Note Event for internal instructions or tips for others accessing the Automation.  
Opt-In Email  An Opt-In Email Event sends an email to external contacts (Clients, Leads). Use this Event when asking Clients or Leads to opt into your emails. Remember, when a Client or Lead clicks the Opt-Out Link, they have the option to unsubscribe from all your emails or specific categories.  
Tags: Add/Remove  The Tags: Add/Remove Event removes or adds Tags to Client or Lead accounts. Note: This Event does not create new Tags.  
Text Message 

A Text Message Event sends a text message to external (Clients, Leads) or internal contacts (Resources, Vendors, Roles). The Text Message Event will send a text message to the number that is in the Cell Phone field of the contact’s account. 

Note: A Subscription to Two Way Texting is required to send text messages through an Automation. 

Ticket A Ticket Event creates a Ticket. Compared to an Alert, a Ticket is a task; it requires action from the assignee. Tickets display on your My Day page, Ticket List, Dispatch Board, and Calendar. 
Update Events 

An Update Event will change certain Client information, such as the CSR, Sales Person, or a Custom Field.

Wait Period  A Wait Period Event adds a delay before moving on to the next Event. You can delay for a certain amount of time, for example, 1 hour, or delay to a specific date or time, like every Monday at 7:00 p.m. 



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