Complete a Job

If your field staff uses the Service Autopilot Mobile App, you will not need to mark jobs as complete because they will do that as they finish Jobs. If your field staff are not using the SA Mobile App, you will need to manually mark jobs as complete. There are a few ways to do this depending on how many job need to be completed. 


To Complete One or More Jobs

  1. Go to Scheduling > Dispatch Jobs.
  2. On the Dispatch Board, locate the Job(s) to be marked as complete.
  3. Click the check boxes next to each Job.
  4. Hover over the Actions.
  5. Select "Complete". 



To complete only one job

Option A

  1. Go to Scheduling > Dispatch Jobs
  2. Click on the Job Status Icon for the Job you want to complete. 

  3. Click the Status dropdown list.
  4. "Complete" from the status list. 

  5. Click Save.

Option B

  1. Go to Scheduling > Dispatch Jobs.
  2. Click on the Service for the Job you want to complete. This will open the Job Edit overlay. 

  3. Click the Status dropdown list.
  4. Select "Complete". 


  5. Click Save.
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