Add a Discount to an Invoice

You can add a Discount to an Invoice after it has been generated even if a Discount was not applied to the Service that generated the Invoice. In order to add a Discount to an Invoice, you will need to have created Discounts under Settings > Discounts

Note: For information on how to add a True Cash Discount, see this article.

Add a Discount to one Invoice line item

  1. Navigate to an Invoice.
  2. Click Add Line Item (Note: if the Invoice is locked you will need to unlock it before adding line items). 

  3. Begin typing the name of the Discount in  dropdown list and select the correct Discount.
  4. Add or edit line item details as needed. Click Save on the Line Item. This will cause the Invoice total to recalculate. 

  5. The Discount will apply to the line item directly above it. To move the Discount to a different line item, hover to the left of the line item and click on the blue arrows. Drag and drop the Discount to the proper place.
  6. Click Save.


Add a Discount to an entire Invoice (Subtotal Discount)

  1. Navigate to an Invoice.
  2. Click Add Line Item (Note: if the Invoice is locked you will need to unlock it before adding line items).
  3. Type in Subtotal and select it from the drop down (if you do not have an option of Subtotal, see Add Subtotal Record below).
  4. Add or edit line item details as needed. Click Save on the the Line Item. This will cause the Invoice total to recalculate.
  5. Click Save.

You can only add 1 Subtotal Line Item


Add a Subtotal Record 

  1. Go to Settings > Invoice Customization.
  2. Click Add Subtotal Record in the yellow box at the top of the screen. (Note: if you sync with QuickBooks, a Subtotal Record should have come over in the initial sync.) 

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