V3 Job Wizard - Overview

The Job Wizard can be accessed in two ways. On the Account Review Overlay under the Actions menu on the left, or from the Quick Add plus icon in the top right while you are on an existing v3 screen.

The Job Wizard is divided into three different tabs to streamline the workflow of scheduling a Job:


1. Setup

  • Account: this determines where the work will be performed
  • What type of job is this?: this determines if a Job will occur one or more than once
  • What is this job called: this is the name of the Job that will appear on the Account Review overlay. This field will be auto-populated based on the line items you select. You can also modify the text. 
  • Internal Scheduling Notes: enter notes here if they are only for scheduling purposes, they will not be visible to Resources on Visits. 
  • Job Note: enter notes here if your Resources will need to see them on each Visit.
  • Line Items: these are the Services that will be done and the Products that will be used. You must add at least one Service before you can add Products. 
    • Budgeted Hours - the total amount of time you anticipate a job to take, the total amount of time for all Resources. Example: if the Job takes 30 minutes for 2 Resources to complete, it is 1 budgeted hour. 
    • Quantity - the quantity of Services performed. Typically, this is left at "1".
    • Rate - the rate for the Service.
    • Amount - for flat rate or per unit Services, this will be quantity times rate. In hourly services, this number will change depending on the hours worked.
    • Notes - if you are scheduling multiple line items simultaneously, use this note icon to leave notes on individual line items. Notes can appear by date range as well.
    • Budgeted Hours Tool - this tool can help you calculate the number of budgeted hours you need based on team size for the job. You can also use it to override default budgeted hours.
    • Delete - use the trash can icon to delete a line item.
  • Is this job a work order?: this will determine whether the job will appear as a Work Order on the Dispatch Board to group together all Jobs scheduled at the same time for the same Account.
  • Advanced Actions
    • Chemical Areas Treated: if you are using chemical Products on the Job, this will tell the tech which areas need to be treated
    • Sales Person: this is the person who sold this Job
    • Date Sold: this date defaults to the current date
    • Account Manager: this is the person who is responsible for retaining the Account
    • Source: this is how the client heard about your company to do the Service you are scheduling for them



2. Schedule/Assign

  • Schedule: this will vary based on the Job Type and Line Item selected. If you are creating a recurring Job this is where you would select a Master Schedule or create a Custom Schedule. 
  • Do you want to assign this job now?: if you know who will complete the Job, you can designate this now or otherwise just estimate the Team size in the next field. 
  • What is the estimated team size?: use this field if you don't know exactly which Resource will be assigned to the job. 
  • Advanced Actions
    • Call Ahead: this will set a reminder on the Dispatch Board and Route Sheets that this Job requires a call to the Account Contact before the work is started
    • Maximum Man Hours per Day: for Multi-Day Jobs; this is the maximum number of hours any one Team member can work in a single day and helps determine the length of Multi-Day Jobs
    • Include Days: for Multi-Day Jobs; this determines which days a Multi-Day Job will be scheduled for. 


3. Billing

  • Invoice Descriptions: this is the text that will appear on the Invoice for each listed Service
  • How will you invoice this job?: this will default to the Account default and can be customized
  • Advanced Actions
    • Work Order #: if a number is not entered one will be generated automatically when the Job is created regardless of the number of Services on the Job
    • Purchase Order #: enter a number here if you need to reference a Purchase Order on this Job
    • Separate Invoices: if an Account is on any Invoice Frequency other than Daily or Print in Advance, this setting would put this Job on its own separate Invoice
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