V3 Expenses Screen - Add an Expense

To add an Expense, use the following steps:

  1. Go to Accounting > Expenses
  2. Click Add Expense
  3. Select a Vendor

  4. The Date of Expense will default to the current date. Modify, if needed.
  5. Select a General Ledger Account where the Expense will be applied, a Description, and Amount.
  6. If the Expense will be billed to a client, click Unbilled. This will reveal the Assign Expense dialog where you can bill the Expense to a client Account or a Service. Click Save when finished.

  7. When you are satisfied with the Expense, click Save Expense.

If you need to add an attachment to an Expense, this must be done from the Review Expense overlay. Click the date on any Expense in the list to view the overlay. Click Advanced Actions to see the option to add a Note or Attachment:


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