You can add a Payment from the Payment Screen as opposed to from an Account. This might be helpful if you are entering multiple check payments at a time and want to make sure you haven't missed any. To add a Payment from the Payment Screen, use the following steps:
- Go to Accounting > Payments.
- Click Add Payment.
- On the Add Payment overlay, select an Account.
- On the far right enter the Payment Amount.
- The Payment Date will default to the current date. Change if necessary.
- The Payment Method will default to the Client default. Change if necessary. Any credit cards that are on the account or added through the Payment overlay will show an icon when the corresponding Payment Method is selected.
- Change the Deposit To account, if applicable.
- Click the Prepayment toggle if this Payment will be added to pay for Invoices that have not yet generated. For additional instructions regarding Prepayments, see this article.
- If the Account has any open Invoices, when you enter an Amount on the Payment, it will automatically be allocated beginning with the oldest open Invoices. You may need to change the allocation by de-selecting the default Invoices and selecting different Invoices.
- Use the Memo field to make any notes about the payment.
- Click Save Payment to save the Payment and close the overlay or click Save & New to save the Payment and open a new, blank Add Payment overlay.