Team App - Add a Product or Service

You can add products and services on the same day to visits that are already scheduled.

Add a Service to a Visit

  1. If you're on the List view, click the Service Address to take additional action. If you're on Map view, slide the Visit up to take additional action. The overlay should look like this:


  2. Click Add Service and make your selection.
  3. Adjust the Service Quantity with the + and buttons if needed. 
  4. Add Products as needed.


  5. Click Done to save your changes.

Add a Product to a Service

  1. If you're on the List view, click the Service Address to take additional action. If you're on Map view, slide the Visit up to take additional action. The overlay should look like this:


  2. Click the name of the Service you want to add a Product to.
  3. Click Add Product then make your selection.
  4. Adjust the Product Quantity with the + and buttons.


  5. Add any additional Products, Attachments, and Comments as needed.
  6. Click Done to save your changes.
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