Contracts List - Overview

You can access a list of all all Contracts by going to Accounting > Contracts. That screen will look something like this:


At the top of the screen you'll see available Filters for this page:


Click any filter to see selection criteria and to apply the filter. On the right side of the page, you can use the Add Contract button to add a new Contract directly from this screen. Use the arrows beneath the Add Contract button to navigate between multiple pages of entries.

At the top of the table on the left, you'll see an Invoice Date field:


If you need to manually generate Contract Invoices, you would enter a date in this field and this will be the Invoice Date when the Invoices are generated. Directly under the Invoice Date field is the Actions dropdown list. Hover over it to reveal actions that can be taken from this list:


Under the Actions list are three tabs:


The screen view defaults to the "Active" tab. You can also view inactive Contracts or all Contracts at the same time. 

The table displays information about each contract. Click any pencil icon in the Edit column to view an individual Contract or make changes to it. If you click the Client name it will open the Client Account in a new tab.

The information in the Service column actually corresponds to the Name field on the Contract overlay. Billing Day indicates the date on which the Invoice will be automatically generated or the day on which you should manually generate the Contract's Invoice. 

If the Contact is billed the same amount each month it is Invoiced, that number will appear in the Amount column. If there is any variation in the amount billed each month, the Amount column will say "Varies". 

The Start and End Dates are displayed so you can easily see which Clients need to be contacted about renewing their Contracts. The Last Bill Date column tells you the last date an Invoice was generated for a Contract.


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