Add Products

Products are materials you use on a job regardless of whether or not the Client pays for them directly. These might be things you keep on hand (inventory) or things you get as needed depending on the job (non-inventory). You can add and edit Products by going to Settings > Products.
To add a new Product, you can click the orange Add Non-Inventory Product button on the top right or go to Actions > Add Non-Inventory Product.


Both will open the Add Product overlay on the Details tab:


Fields in bold are required. 

  • Name - This is the internal name of the Product. You will see this on the Job and Dispatch Board, but the Client will never see it. 
  • Parent Product - These can be used as a type of category to help you better track Product usage. For example, if you have irrigation Products and landscaping Products you wanted to keep separate, you might consider using parent/child relationships.
  • Tax Code - This designates whether or not a Product will be taxed on a Client's Invoice.
  • Invoice Description - This is what the Client will see on their Invoice if they're invoiced for the product. 
  • Part Number - This is any type of internal reference number the Product might have or is assigned from the manufacturer.
  • Default Rate - This is the default amount you would charge a Client for this product.
  • Default B. Cost - This is the default amount the product costs you to buy for any given job.
  • Default B. Hrs - This is the default amount of time it would take you to use or install one product unit.
  • Track Chemicals - Checking this box will allow the product to be used for Chemical Tracking. It'll also enable two additional tabs on the Add Product overlay: Product Mix and Instructions.
  • Show in Snow Dispatch - This will enable the product to be seen in the Snow Dispatch.
  • Income Account - This is the Account where the product's revenue would be tracked.
  • COGS Account - A Cost of Goods Sold account is the account you would deduct from in order to purchase the product. 
  • Class - This is a categorization tool in QuickBooks. If you do not sync with QuickBooks, do not add a Class as they have no functionality in Service Autopilot.

You can use the Estimates tab to add an Estimate Description that will appear only on Estimates:


Set up a Price Matrix for a product under the Price Matrix tab:


Select a Custom Field from the dropdown list then click the Add Matrix Item button to add as many lines as you need to the rate matrix. 

At whatever point you are finished working on a Product, click Save

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