When you are adding a new Estimate, there are many fields at the top of the overlay to fill out before adding any line items. Bolded fields indicate a required field.
- Description - Defaults to today’s date but may be changed if needed.
- Client/Lead - This is already filled in if the estimate is started from an Account screen.
- Sales Rep - Select the sales representative from the dropdown list. If you are interested in tracking sales commission, you will need to select an option here.
- Source - Select the marketing source such as a referral or website.
- Est Document - Select an Estimate Document from the dropdown list. This is the document the potential client will see with a list of services and prices.
- Est. Date - Defaults to today’s date. Change, if needed.
- Valid Until Date - Defaults to 30 days from today. Change it if needed.
- # of installments - Defaults to the number set in the Estimate Settings (Settings > Estimate Settings; SA defaults this number to 12). if you’re doing contract billing or need to be paid in installments, enter that number here. You can use the Installment Amount merge tag within your Estimate Document to display the monthly installment price. The system will divide the Estimate's total amount by the number of installments to display the monthly installment amount.
- PO Number - Optionally, enter a Purchase Order number.
- Work Order Number - Optionally, enter a number. The system will automatically generate a number once you save it if no number is entered.
- Stage - Defaults to Draft. After you send the estimate, the stage automatically changes to Sent. You can customize stages for your needs.