You can view the Review Payment overlay from the Payments Screen by clicking on any of the Payment Dates.
This overlay is divided into two main parts - the Actions menu on the left and the Payment Details on the right. The Payment Details are read-only. Like other screens in SA, there is a clickable link anywhere you see blue text. Click the icon next to the Account name to go to the Account:
If the Payment is allocated to any Invoices, click an Invoice number to display the Review Invoice overlay.
On non-credit card Payments, you will see an option for Advanced Actions on the Actions menu. Click this to reveal the option to delete the Payment:
If you would like to see the history of the Payment, click View All under "Audit Trail". The Audit Trail will tell you the history of all actions taken on an item, the user who initiated the action, and the date and time the action was taken.
If you need to modify anything about the Payment, click the Edit button on the left. This will open the Edit Payment overlay:
This overlay is similar to the Add Payment overlay. Once a Payment is initially saved, you can't change the Account on the Payment. On credit card Payments, you also cannot change the Payment Amount or Payment Method. Here are the actions you can take on a Payment, such as the one seen above:
- Change the Payment Date.
- Select Replace card on file and when you save your changes the card used for the Payment will become the new credit card on file for the Account.
- Designate the Payment as a Prepayment.
- Change the way the Payment is allocated to Invoices.
- Check the box to select or deselect Invoices for payment.
- Use the Payment Amount field to apply a single Payment in differing amounts.
- Update the Memo for your internal references
When you are finished making changes, be sure to click Save Payment. You can also click Save & New to save your changes and open a blank Add Payment overlay. To exit the overlay, click Cancel or the "X" in the upper right corner of the overlay.