Set Up Job Costing

To get the best data in your Job Costing report, you need to go to different areas of Service Autopilot to set up the data. After that, you need to maintain your data appropriately. Setting up job costing includes these basic steps:

  1. Employee Total Payroll Burden
  2. Set up Services
  3. Product Cost
  4. Add a Job
  5. Dispatch Jobs
  6. Drive Time tracked on Mobile Apps
  7. Close Out Day

Each step is briefly outlined below. For more detailed instructions, click the links in the list above.


Step 1: Employee Total Payroll Burden

  1. Go to Team > Employees and select an employee record.
  2. Click Edit
  3. On the Edit Employee screen, click the Payroll/Job Costing tab. The Total Labor Burden Hourly Rate is recorded on the right.


    Note: Labor Burden is the cost for an employee, such as Gross Pay + Taxes + Insurance, etc.
  4. Use the “Labor Burden Example” below for guidance.

Step 2: Service

  1. Go to Settings > Scheduling > Service to select a Service from the list.
  2. Click the Job Costing/Analysis tab, then use the "Target $/Hr" (without Drive Time) or "Target $/Hr with Drive" field.


  • Target $/Hr - The revenue the company would need to charge to pay all costs and still make a profit. This usually depends on the cost of living and what competitive rates are in the service area.
  • Target $/Hr with Drive– Drive Time data is entered from the Mobile App. This target amount is the revenue you need to make minus the cost of resources (on average) during drive time.  If you don’t pay resources for drive time, leave this field blank.
  • If you have tight route density, then the Target $/Hr with Drive number will be higher. If your route density isn’t high, then this number decrease based on the labor you have to pay for drive time.

Step 3: Products – Your Cost and Your Rate to Charge the Client

Services and Products work together in Service Autopilot, but they work separately for Job Costing.

A Service is always required in order to have a Product on a Job.

  • The Product “Cost” is the company’s wholesale cost.
  • The “Rate” is the retail markup (if applicable). The Cost goes on the Job Costing report.

To set a default Cost (usually an average) at the Product level, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Settings > Scheduling > Products.
  2. Select a Product from the list.
  3. Scroll down to the “Default B. Cost” field. Enter the average cost per unit for this Product.


  4. Go to a Job and add a Product to it. Look at the Cost and Rate columns and notice how the quantity is a multiplier. You can change the quantity of the product, then press the <Tab> key to make the quantity field multiply the Rate, B. Hrs, and Cost. This will also show your Margin and Markup percentages for the product.

Step 4. Add a Job – Job Rate and Total Man Hours (B. Hrs.) – Per Job

  1. Add a Job.
  2. Include the Job “Rate” and the “B. Hrs.”
    The "B. Hrs." is always the Total Man Hours you plan to spend on the Job.
    The Rate is the Per Visit Rate you charge to perform the service.

Step 5. Dispatch the Jobs

  1. Go to Scheduling > Dispatch Jobs. Make sure the correct Resources are assigned to the correct Job
  2. Dispatch the Jobs.

Step 6. Drive Time on the Mobile App

If you track drive time on the Mobile App, then the Job Costing report will show the labor burden you are paying field employees while they are driving.

Step 7. Close Out Day       

From the Close Out Day screen, be sure the following fields are filled in correctly.

Note: Jobs must be completed before they will appear on the Job Costing Report. They do not have to be invoiced for them to appear. You can also click any of the fields below to edit them manually if needed.
  • Verify the Job is Complete
    This is indicated by the icons on the left of the screen. If the icon is a green check mark or an Invoice, then it's complete.
  • Hours (Budgeted Hours)
    This should have been entered when the Job was added to a client. See the section above for adding a Job.
  • Start and End Times
    Verify that these look correct for the Job.
  • Job Rate
    This is the Per Visit Rate you intend to Invoice the client.
    Additionally, this value is used to calculate the Invoice Amount if the service is set to be billed hourly.
  • Actual Job Time
    This is the “Hours” column. It is the total actual time the resource was clocked into the Job. Additionally, this is used in calculating the Invoice Amount if the service is set to be billed hourly.
  • Number of resources, Men column, on a Team/Crew
    This is very important because this is used to calculate dollars per man hour on a Job. Additionally, this is used in calculating the Invoice Amount if the service is set to be billed hourly.
  • Products
    If Products were on the Job, the Products and their quantity may need to be confirmed based on the options that were chosen
    When adding Products to a Job, you have the option to check “Invoice” or “Confirm” for each. Invoice - If you set the Product to “Invoice,” the job must be invoiced before the Job Costing report will show the Product as Revenue.
    Confirm - If you set a Product to “Confirm,” you will see the costing information on the Product at the end of the Job Costing report.

Example: Calculate Labor Burden

The following example demonstrates how to calculate your labor burden. Adjust all the factors to apply to your company. You may not need to use some of the factors below, but plug in what applies to determine the amount of time a resource works for you.

Please consult your accountant if you need further assistance.

Sample Company’s Total Financial Contribution for Employee with Annual Totals

Gross Pay

 $28,000 (Gross weekly alone $13.46 hr.)

Workman’s Comp


Unemployment Insurance


Any other Insurances





 +  $850

Annual Total


Monthly based on 12 mo.


Weekly based on 52 wks.


Hourly based on 40 hrs.

This is your employee’s example “Labor Burden”


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