One feature of V3 Forms is the ability to add multiple Pages to a Form. This helps to simplify and streamline your Forms so you can ensure users are filling out all the fields you want. Pages also allow you to apply Rules to skip from page to page depending on the user's response.
To add a Page, click the + icon at the bottom of the Form Designer:
The new page will appear at the end of your Form.
Need to add a page in the middle of a form?
You cannot move Pages within a Form. Since new pages are automatically added to the end of a Form, here’s how you can add a page in the middle, such as adding a new Page 3 to a four-page Form:
- Click the second page of the Form so it shows in the preview.
- At the top of the preview, click Duplicate. This will add a duplicate Page after the Page you are currently on and take you to the copied Page.
- Modify the copied Page as needed.