When you add a Payment, much of the functionality on the Payment overlay is self-explanatory but some of it is not. The first of such functions is the Allocate Payment button and the Auto Allocate checkbox:
If the Client you are entering the Payment for has existing Invoices, when you enter an Amount and click Allocate Payment, it will fully allocate the Payment starting with the oldest outstanding Invoices. The Auto Allocate checkbox will do the same thing if there are existing Invoices once you tab out of the field. If there are no existing Invoices, as Invoices are created or generated, checking this box will automatically allocate the Payment when it is re-saved. As the Payment is allocated the amounts in the gray box will update to tell you how much of the Payment is still unused.
If you change the Payment Method to any credit card type, it will populate the Credit Card Details fields:
If a credit card is on file, that card information will appear here. Otherwise, you can click Add Credit Card to add a card for a one-time payment or update the card information on file.
The Memo field if for recording any sort of additional information that may be relevant to the payment such as the Invoices for which the Payment was intended.
The AR Account will default to the Default AR Account as designated on the "Accounting" tab of your Company Information. The dropdown list will display any other AR Account type Accounts you have in your Chart of Accounts if you need to change this for any reason.
If you select the checkbox next to Is a pre-payment? it will open the Prepayment Services field:
Click Add to open the Add/Remove Prepaid Services dialog:
When you are finished selecting services, click Save Prepaid Services.
If the Client has any open Invoices, they will be displayed below the Payment Details. You can modify the Page Size to view more Invoices:
Simply delete the existing number, type a new one (up to 500), and press Enter on your keyboard. This may be useful if you are adding a Payment to a Master Property with a lot of Sub Properties and, consequently, a lot of Invoices. Use the arrows to navigate from page to page if there are multiple pages.
For any of the unpaid Invoices, check the box next to Pay in full to pay the Invoice in full. This will update the Unused Amount field in the gray box at the top of the payment. You can also type a custom amount into the Payment field:
Type the desired number and then press the tab key on your keyboard to exit the field. This will update the Balance and Unused Amount fields.
As always, don't forget to save any changes you make to a Payment before closing the overlay.