Job Details Overlay - Overview

On the Dispatch Board in Service Autopilot (Scheduling > Dispatch Jobs), clicking on the Service in any row will pull up a Job Overlay screen that contains all the information attached to that Job.


The top portion of the overlay shows your scheduling and accounting information, as well as Notes. The status of the Job is on the left of the service name, matching the Dispatch Board icons.
The information in the light gray box shows scheduling information at a glance. If the Job is Invoiced and the Invoice is locked, this information cannot be changed without first unlocking the Invoice using the More dropdown menu.


Resources assigned to the Job appear as icons on the right. The More dropdown menu will let you view the Audit Trail, send Emails or Texts, as well as provide additional options.


Accounting information is shown in the dark gray box.
After the Invoice is generated, it's best to update any of this information at the Invoice level rather than the Job level.
Contacts for the Client will show beneath the Accounting information.  


The Notes section allows you to view, edit, and add Notes under four different tabs: Job Notes, Job Comments, Notes to Client, and Invoice Description.


The "Show" links at the bottom (above the Save button) allow you to see Products, Attachments, and Forms. Each will expand when you click the link.


You can view, edit, add, or delete Products to the Job.
When a Job is Pending, you'll have the orange Options button that can be used to select how or if you want the Product to display on the Invoice.


Once a Job is marked Complete, you can use the button toggle on the right to control the Product options.


Note: If you wish to change the Invoice print preference for the Product after the Job is marked Complete, we recommend making that change on the Invoice.

In the Attachments section, you can view, edit, or delete Attachments that were added to the Job from the Mobile Apps. You can also add new Attachments. If you add an Attachment from this overlay, you'll need to click Save at the bottom of the overlay before you can see the edit and delete icons.


Note: The include option on attachments is obsolete as all attachments are now automatically included on the Job on the Legacy app.

The Forms link will display any Form Responses that have been filled out for that Service. You can also add a Form Response by clicking Fill Out Form. The dropdown list will display all Forms that are associated with the Service on the Job.


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