Automation Condition Categories

This table is a list of all conditions by category. To search for a definition quickly, press CTRL + F (Command + F on a Mac) on your keyboard and type in the name of the trigger to jump directly to it in the table.






Account Balance

Client/lead must meet the Account Balance amount with the selected operator

Select an operator from the list and then an amount by using the areas in the next field.


Account type

Client/lead must meet the specified account type

Available account types are Residential and Commercial.


Billing term

Client/lead must meet the specified billing term

Available billing terms are:

  • 1% 10 Net 30
  • 2% 10 Net 30
  • Due On Receipt
  • Net 15 
  • Net 30
  • Net 60



Client/lead must meet the specified branch

This condition is available only when branches are enabled. This can be set in the company settings.


Cancellation reason

Client/lead must meet the specified cancellation reason



Client/Lead status

Client/lead must meet the specified status

Available client/lead statuses: 

  • All Clients and Leads
  • Active Clients and Open Leads
  • Clients
  • Former Clients
  • Clients and Former
  • Clients
  • Leads
  • Closed Leads


Client since date

Client/lead must meet the specified client since date range 

Available operators are:

  • Less Than [date]
  • Greater Than [date]
  • Equal To [date]
  • Less Than Or Equal To [date]
  • Greater Than Or Equal To [date]
  • Not Equal To [date]


Client source

Client/lead must meet the specified client source



Contract is about to expire

Contract must expire within [x] number of days

This condition allows setting [x] number of days before the contract expires. This condition checks once a day in search of contracts that will expire within the specified number of days.


Client/lead must meet the specified customer service representative

This condition can be combined with a job trigger. If combined with:

  • A job trigger - it will use the CSR from the job.
  • If the job does not have a CSR, it will use the CSR from the client/lead settings.

Custom Field

Client/lead must meet selected Custom Field criteria



Does not have ACH on file

Client/lead does not have ACH on file



Does not have credit card on file

Client/lead has no credit card on file



Has ACH on file

Client/lead has ACH on



Has credit card on file

Client/lead has a credit card on file


Is opted in for emails

Client/lead must have opted in for emails


Is subscribed to email category

Client/lead must meet the specified email categories


Map code

Client/lead must have the specified map code


Opt-In Texts

The Client/lead must have Opted-In, Opted-out, or Needs Opt-In for texting.

Needs Opt-In means the Client/lead has not opted in or out of texting. 

Payment method type

Client/lead must meet the specified payment method type


Sales Person

Client/lead must have the specified sales person

This condition can be combined with an estimate and job trigger. If combined with:

  • An estimate trigger - it will use the salesperson from the estimate
  • A job trigger - it will use the salesperson from the job

If the estimate or job does not have a salesperson, it will use the salesperson from the client/lead settings.


Service Zip code

Client/lead must have the specified zip code


Date of year between

The current date must be within the specified date range 

The specified date range will recur every year.


Estimate has product

Client/lead’s estimate must have the specified product(s)

This condition is available only when using an estimate-related trigger.


Estimate has product

Client/lead’s estimate must have the specified product(s)

This condition is available only when using an estimate-related trigger.

  Estimate sales rep Client/lead’s estimate must have the specified salesperson This condition is available only when using an estimate-related trigger.

Estimate stage

Client/lead’s estimate must meet the specified stage(s)

This condition is available only when using an estimate-related trigger.


Estimate status

Client/lead’s estimate must meet the specified status(es)

This condition is available only when using an estimate-related trigger.


Estimate total

Client/lead must meet the specified estimate total range 

This condition is available only when using an estimate-related trigger.

Available operators are:

  • Less Than [totalvalue]
  • More Than [totalvalue]
  • Less Than Or Equal To [totalvalue]
  • More Than Or Equal To [totalvalue]

Has completed form

Client/lead must have submitted the specified form(s)



Invoice has product

Client’s invoice must have the specified product(s)

This condition is available only when using an invoice-related trigger.

Invoice has service

Client’s invoice must have the specified service(s)

This condition is available only when using an invoice-related trigger.

Invoice past due

Invoice must be past due more than [x] number of days

This condition is available only when using an invoice-related trigger.

The condition allows setting more than [x] number of days after the invoice is past due. This condition checks once a day in search of invoices that are past due more than the specified number of days.


Invoice was paid

Invoice must be paid within [x] number of days

This condition is available only when using an invoice-related trigger.

The condition allows setting [x] number of days when an invoice has been marked paid. This condition checks once a day in search of invoices that have been marked paid within the specified number of days.


Client currently has package scheduled 

Client must have specified package(s) scheduled



Client currently has recurring job scheduled

Client must have specified recurring job(s) scheduled


Client does not currently have package scheduled

Client must not have the specified package(s) scheduled


Client does not currently have recurring job scheduled 

Client must not have the specified recurring job(s) scheduled


Client has ever had package

Client must have had at any time the specified packages(s) scheduled


Client has ever had recurring job

Client must have had at any time the specified job(s) scheduled


Client has not ever had package

Client must not have had at any time the specified package(s) scheduled


Client has not ever had recurring job

Client must not have had at any time the specified recurring job(s) scheduled


Last visit date

Client must have had the specified service within the specified number of days

Available operators are:

  • [service/package] Less
    Than days
  • [service/package]
    Greater Than [x]
  • [service/package]
    Equal To days
  • [service/package] Less
    Than Or Equal To [x]
  • [service/package]
    More Than Or Equal
    To [x] days

Visit requires call ahead

Client/lead’s requires a call before the visit

This condition is available only when using a job-related trigger.

Does not have tag

Client/lead must not have the specified tags



Has tag

Client/lead must have the specified tags


Calendar Event category

The trigger will only apply if one of the selected Calendar Event categories is selected. 

This condition is available only when using a Calendar Event-related trigger.


Ticket Category

Client/lead must have a Ticket in the selected Category

This condition is available only when using a Ticket-related trigger.


Ticket past due

Ticket must be [x] days past due

This condition is available only when using a Ticket-related trigger.

The condition allows you to set more than [x] number of days after the Ticket is past due. This condition checks once a day in search of Tickets that are past due more than the specified number of days.


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