Bulk Edit from the Client List

From the Client List, you can Bulk Edit Clients in order to quickly update several Clients at once with new information. To Bulk Edit, follow these steps:

  1. Go to CRM > Clients.
  2. Individually select the check box next to each Client you want to include in your Bulk Edit, or select the "Select All" check box.
  3. Hover over the Actions button and select "Bulk Edit." 


  4. An overlay appears from which you can edit several aspects of the selected Client's Accounts. 


  5. Click Update

Edits you make here will affect each of the Clients you selected. Because Bulk Edits can potentially affect hundreds of Client accounts, be sure of any changes. There is warning text at the top of the dialog reminding you that changes are updated immediately. Each update is permanent until overwritten by another update.  Changes will remain in place until you manually make another change either through Bulk Edit or individually on a Client Account.

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