Invoice Overlay - Overview

There are many different fields and components to an existing Invoice. This overview will briefly touch on each of them. When you open any existing Invoice, you will see an overlay that looks something like this:


At the very top left of the Invoice overlay is the Invoice Number followed by the link that will open the Audit Trail. The Audit Trail displays all changes that have been made to the Invoice as well as the user who initiated those changes. Continuing to the right is the Email button which you can use to email the Invoice to the Client. The Print button will open a print preview of the Invoice in a new tab so you can print it. Clicking the Enter Payment button will open an Add Payment overlay with the Amount field automatically filled to the amount of the Invoice. If the Invoice has already been fully paid, you will see a green banner that says "paid" across the Enter Payment button.

Once an Invoice is saved, you can't modify the Client Name on the Invoice. The Address field is the Service Address, not the billing address. The Status of the Invoice displays if the Invoice is paid or overdue. 

The Invoice Number is automatically generated when the Invoice is created. You can modify this field once the number has been generated. Date of Invoice is the date the Invoice was generated. This may not be the same as any of the service dates on the Invoice. If you need to add a purchase order number to an Invoice, you can do this in the PO Number field. The Tax refTerms, and Payment Method are generated based on what is set at the Client level. The AR Account is determined by your company default (Settings > Company Information > Accounting). 

On the Invoice Line Items, you can view and edit the Service NameInvoice Description, Service Date, whether the item is taxable, the Rate, the Hours spent on the item, the number of Men who completed the item, and the Quantity. The Total will automatically update when the contributing criteria are updated. If you need to edit a line item, be sure to click Save on the line item before continuing to edit the Invoice. 

Click Add Line Item to add additional items to the Invoice. The Name dropdown list will automatically truncate so if you don't see the item you need, begin typing the name of the item so it will appear in the list. Use the checkboxes to add a Print or Email flag, lock or unlock the Invoice, or flag the Invoice for review. 

The Memo field can be used for any internal notes you need to make about the Invoice. The Client will never see this field. The SubtotalTax, and Total fields will update if you make any changes to line items. As always, if you make any changes, be sure to click Save at the bottom of the Invoice before closing the overlay. 

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