Send Invoices To Multiple Email Addresses

Service Autopilot gives you the ability to send Invoices to multiple e-mail address at once. You can do this for one email or permanently so the Client's Invoice emails go to multiple addresses. The steps below explain how to do it.  

Send a Single Invoice to Multiple Addresses

  1. Navigate to an Invoice overlay.
  2. Click Email in the top right corner of overlay.
  3. An email overlay will appear. In the To line, add a space after each address to enter another one.
  4. When you are finished editing the email, click Send.

Send Invoices to Multiple Email Addresses Permanently

  1. Navigate to a Client Account.
  2. Click Edit next to their name.
  3. Go to the "Billing" tab.
  4. In the client's Billing Email field, enter the email addresses you want to send Invoices to separated by a semi-colon (;). 

  5. Click Save.

If you need all emails for that Client to go to multiple addresses, go to the "Personal Information" tab and enter all the addresses separated by a semi-colon.


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