Add Services

Services are what you offer to clients as work performed at their property. To access the list of Services that affects many selection lists in Service Autopilot, go to Settings > Services. The Screen will look something like this:


If you had Services imported into SA from another system or if any other user on your account added any Services, you will see them in this list. Click the name of any Service to view or edit it. To create a new Service, click Add Service. This will open the Add Service overlay to the "Details" tab:


Fields in bold are required. Here is an explanation of each field:

  • Service - this is the name of the item such as "lawn mowing" or "residential cleaning". This field is internal only so be sure to use a name that is clear for you and your staff. 
  • Parent Service - Parent relationships are a way of categorizing Services. Say you offer a lot of different irrigation Services. You could tie them all to a Parent Service with the Service name "Irrigation" to find all the child services easily in selection lists throughout SA.
  • Code - this is what you will see on the Dispatch Board and Route Sheets to indicate the Service that is to be performed. 
  • Show in Snow Dispatch - you will see this option if you have enabled the Snow system in your SA account. Checking this box will make the Service only visible on On Demand Job selection lists. 
  • Only use for Estimates - selecting this box will make it so the Service is only visible on Estimates. It will also limit the number of fields on the overlay. 
  • Track Chemicals - if you have Chemical Tracking enabled on your SA account, you will see this option that will mark the Service as a Chemical Service. Doing so will populate additional tabs on this overlay and cause the Service to pull into Chemical Tracking Reports. 
  • Other Charge - This is a QuickBooks Online only feature and is used to add Other Charges.
  • Sales Tax Code - this is the default tax setting for the Service. Whatever is selected here can be overridden by the Tax Code on an Account.
  • Service Mode - this list has three options that determine how this Service will generate a rate:
    • Flat Rate - the Rate of the Service is determined only by what is entered into the "Rate" field.
    • Per Unit - will multiply the "Rate" field times the "Qty" field. 
    • Hourly - will multiply the "Rate" field times the total actual hours clocked on the job.
  • Invoice Description - what the client will see on their Invoice for the Service rendered. 
  • Active - by default, new Services will be marked "Active". This is what determines whether the item can be seen in selection lists. 
  • Default Rate - if you want a rate to appear on every job when a Service is selected, enter it here. You can always customize the Rate on every job.
  • Default B. Hrs - if you want budgeted hours to appear on every job when a Service is selected, enter it here. You can always customize the B. Hrs on every job. B. Hrs is the total amount of time you expect a job to take regardless of the number of Resources working the job. 
  • Default Commissions - if you have Sales Reps that are paid on commission, you can set a Default Commission rate here.
  • Pay on B. Hrs - check this box if you pay out commissions to Sales Reps based on B. Hrs.
  • Invoice Time Format - if you want the start and/or end time that's worked on a Job to display on the Invoice, select an option here. 
  • Task Color - if you often use the Calendar in SA to view jobs, you can change the color of the tiles on the Calendar to display the Task Color. 
  • Class - this field does not have much use unless you sync with QuickBooks. You can, however, build custom analyses in the Report Center based off of Classes.
  • Account - if you sync with QuickBooks, this setting will determine how the Service is reflected in your Chart of Accounts and how Services pull into QB reports.

You can use the "Estimates" tab to add an Estimate Description that will appear only on Estimates:


Call Script Notes are visible to SA users when they are creating Jobs. If you had a script for your office staff to use, such as for upsells on certain services, you can enter it on this tab.

Use the Rate Matrix tab to build a more customized pricing structure. For more information about this feature, click here

The Job Costing/Analysis tab is where you can enter additional Job Costing information about a Service. This can help to tell you how profitable you are for a given service. 

The Audit Trail is where you can see any changes that have been made to a Service and the user who initiated the change. 


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