This report is a list of applied chemicals including their details, such as EPA #, amount, and weather conditions. You must have Chemical Tracking enabled and set up for this report to be valid. This information is valid for the details entered on chemical jobs using Chemical Services and Products. For information on setting up chemical tracking, see the Chemical Tracking User Guide.
Go to Reports > Report Center > SA Reports > Service Reports > Chemical Tracking.
This report can be filtered by date range, custom field, and resource:
The columns on the report are as follows:
- Date - The date of the service.
- Client Name - The name of the client who was serviced.
- Client Address - The address of the property that was serviced.
- Chemical Name - The name of the chemical product used on the Job.
- Chemical EPA# - This corresponds to the EPA Registration # field on the Product Mix tab of the chemical product.
- Application Rate - The application rate for the chemical product based on the information entered under Settings > Products > [Product Name] > Product Mix tab in the "Application Rate" section.
- Budgeted Concentrate Amount - The total amount of chemical product to be used.
- Actual Concentrate Amount - The total amount of chemical product that was actually used.
- Targets - The targets the chemical product is designed to kill.
- Areas Treated - The areas where the chemical product was applied.
- Amount of Area Treated - The custom field value on the account for the custom field designated on the Product Mix tab of the chemical product.
- Temp - The temperature entered at the time of application.
- Wind Speed - The wind speed entered at the time of application.
- Wind Direction - The wind direction entered at the time of application.
- pH Level - The pH level of the chemical product entered at the time of application.
- Application Method - How the chemical product was applied to the property.
- Applicator Name - The resource who applied the chemical product. The resource applicator license number is required to populate this field.
- Applicator License # - The license number of the resource who applied the chemical product.
- Application Start Time - The time the job was started. The resource applicator license number is required to populate this field.
- Application End Time - The time the job was completed. The resource applicator license number is required to populate this field.
If your state requires more information than this report provides by default, you can create Forms that allow the field technician to log additional information. Be sure to associate the Form with the Chemical Service so it’s available on the Mobile app for the technician. This information is added to the Chemical Tracking report once a Form is selected and the report is refreshed. Each field on the form will become a column on the Chemical Tracking report.
Important Note: If using the Team app, the Form must be created in the new version of Forms. If using the Legacy app, the Form must be created in Classic Forms (V2).