The Document Editor allows you to create custom documents that can be reused or copied, such as emails, marketing materials, and estimate documents. It saves you a lot of time when emailing Clients and gives you professional-looking documents that match your business and brand.
You can download pre-built documents from the Marketplace by searching for relevant items. You can also build documents from scratch for completely customized content. Many Members opt to start from a download and then customize from there.
To access your documents, go to Settings > Documents. This will take you to your Document list page:
The "New" badge on the far right of any document indicates that it was built with the "New" Document Editor. This means you can include dynamic content and apply the Document Editor's full functionality. If you download any documents from the Marketplace, they will appear in this list. This is also where you'll find any documents you've created.
To edit an existing document, click the name. To add a new document, click the Add Document button in the upper right corner. This will open the Document Settings overlay:
Once you fill in the necessary information, click Save. You will be redirected to the Document Editor where you'll be prompted to select a template to build from. Using a template is a great way to get started quickly.
If you select the Blank template, you'll be taken directly to the editor. The navigation bar at the top offers several features:
- Print your document so you can see how it looks on paper.
- Preview your document in a new window to see it as the user will. You cannot edit your document when using this button.
Send Test Email is how you can send a test email to yourself.
Tip: Merge Tags will not work in the test email. To test your Merge Tags, try sending an email to a test Account instead. - Show Structure will show you the gridlines of your document.
- Edit Settings is how you can rename your document or manage the Document Settings you entered on the Document list screen.
- Save will save your changes.
- Close will close the editor and take you back to the Document list page.
Before you can add content to your document, such as text and pictures, you must first add rows so your content has somewhere to go. Click the ROWS tab in the panel on the right to see your options:
Use the dropdown menu to view Saved Rows. Otherwise, drag and drop a blank Row into the body of your document.
Once you've inserted at least one Row, click the CONTENT tab then drag and drop a Content Block into the Row so you can begin customizing:
Select a row to reveal additional actions:
- Click the Cross-Arrow icon to move a row up or down in the document.
- Click the Comment icon to add or view comments for a row.
Tip: If a row has comments, you'll see the icon in the top left corner. Hover over the icon to preview the comment:
Click the icon to open the comments in the panel on the right. - Click the Floppy Disk icon to save a row so you can use it in other documents.
- Click the Trash icon to delete a row.
- Click the Copy icon to insert a copy of the selected row into the document.
Select a content block to reveal additional actions:
- Click the Cross-Arrow icon to move your content into a different row.
- Click the Comment icon to add or view comments about a content block.
Tip: If a content block has comments, you'll see the icon in the top left corner. Hover over the icon to preview the comment. Click the icon to open the comments in the panel on the right. - Click the Trash icon to delete a content block.
- Click the Copy icon to insert a copy of the selected row into the document.
Click the Desktop or Mobile icon underneath the navigation bar to preview your document in your desired format while still being able to edit it:
If you want to see the history of a document or revert your changes, use the buttons on the bottom left of the screen:
To save your changes or close the editor, use the buttons on the upper right corner of the screen: