When setting up Chemical Products, you tell the system that products can be scheduled individually with a service, and also added to a Mix with other products (see Create a Chemical Mix).
Here, you can designate inventory or non-inventory products for chemical tracking. Use this process for existing products or new ones you add. Each tab at the top of the "Add/Edit Product overlay" will be outlined below.
1. Go to Settings > Products. There are two entries (under Scheduling and Chemical Tracking) and chemical products can be entered in either. If you click the one under Chemical Tracking, the list will be filtered to only show chemical products by automatically applying the Track Chemicals filter to the products list.
2. Add a new product or open an existing product.
Check the Track Chemicals check box. This step is required for chemical tracking. At the top of the Product Edit screen, three new tabs appear. Each tab will be explained below this list of steps.
3. Fill out the rest of the Details tab as you would with any other product.
4. Click Save.
After creating a product, it will be available to associate with a chemical service.
Product Mix Tab
The Product Mix tab shows the individual product mix and application rates specific to this product. This information is viewable on the Legacy app.
- Scientific Name - Some states require this for technical reasons.
EPA Registration # - The number for this product as required by the EPA.
- Targets - Specify what the chemical treats, such as insects or specific types of weeds, algae, etc.
- Application Method – How the product is applied to the treatment area.
- Product Cost – This is a per-unit cost as it relates to the application rate. Note: This cost will appear on the Job Costing Report after the chemical job has been completed in the system. The report shows your costing information for each of the jobs where this product is used.
- Make Default – Sets a default application method and application rate.
- Application Rate – For liquid or solid (granular) chemical products, this is the rate at which the product is applied over a given area.
- Custom Field Selection – Selecting this field allows Service Autopilot to calculate how much of this product is needed for a property as you dispatch the job. It also allows the system to give you bulk concentrate and water amounts per a given day of chemical applications on the Planned Chemical Usage Report, which allows your technicians to load their tanks properly before going out to the properties where the chemical will be applied. The Planned Chemical Usage Report is located on the Chemical Tracking Wizard.
- Mixed with Water – If the product is mixed with water before application, this is the ratio of product to water.
- Mixed with Products – If the product is mixed with another product before application, this is the ratio of the additional product to this product.
- Not Mixed – If the product is not mixed with water or another product before application, you will click this option.
Click Add another application rate to add multiple application methods to a Chemical Product.
Instructions Tab
This tab includes product Label Instructions which are viewable on the Legacy app. It also has the Client Route Sheet Instructions which appear on the chemical tracking route sheet options so they can be torn off the route sheet and left with the client:
- Label Instructions - Add the product label instructions so the technician can see them on the Legacy app. The technician will be able to click the Label button to see these.
Client Route Sheet Instructions - These are instructions that can be torn off of the route sheet and provided to the client at time of service.
- Click the link below the text field to import text from an existing Client Instruction Email (Settings > Client Instruction Emails). You may have to condense the content because the space is limited on the Route Sheet.
Attachments Tab
Attachments might be documents, photos of product labels, or SDS instructions.
Click Upload > Attach A File to browse for your attachment. These attachments are not viewable or selectable on the Legacy app.