You can find the Tickets list by going to CRM > Tickets. When you access this page, a date range filter for updates within the last 60 days will be automatically applied.
Filters are very useful on this page, particularly if you are generating a lot of Tickets due to things like Automations or bulk emails. To see the information you want on this page, you'll need to apply various filters. To get started quickly, click All Saved Filters at the left to view a list of common filters:
Once a filter is selected, the table will reload to only display the filtered results; your selected filter will show on the left. You can customize any common filter by adding additional filters and saving them for future use. You can also create new filters from scratch. Any saved custom filters will appear under the All Saved Filters list on the column labeled “Added by me”.
To further refine your filter results, you can search for Accounts using the search bar at the top of the table. This search bar only queries Account names within the filtered results.
At the top right of the screen, you can click Add Ticket to add a new Ticket or click Edit Table to manage the columns you see in the table and the order in which they appear.
You can also move columns in the table by hovering at the left to reveal the double-dotted line:
Click and drag on the double-line to re-position the column. You can also click on the double-arrows on the right side of the column to sort the column in ascending or descending order.
Any of the blue text is a clickable link. Click on a Ticket Number to open the Ticket itself. Click any Account/Vendor Name to open the Account.
Click the Eye icon to start Watching a ticket. It'll turn from gray to blue when toggled on. Toggle it off to Stop Watching a ticket.
To reveal more actions, check the box next to one or more tickets to change the menu on the left:
This will give you the following options:
- Start Watching - Watching a Ticket generates Alerts when a Ticket is modified
- Stop Watching - Disables Alerts when a Ticket is modified
- Update Status - Changes the status of the selected Tickets to Open, On Hold, Pending, or Complete
- Close - Closes the selected Tickets
- Delete - Deletes the selected Tickets
- Reassign - Allows you to bulk reassign tickets to another employee/vendor