The Following and Rating Function in the Help Center

The Help Center offers two very useful functions for our Members: the following and rating function for articles and videos.

These features allow you to save useful articles from different sections of the Help Center, as well as rate the usefulness of existing articles and videos. 

The Following Function

You can save different Help Center categories and topics, as well as specific articles.

Use these steps to start following different topics and articles: 

1. Hover over your Profile Icon and click the Help Center.  


2. Scroll down and select a category from the Help Center, such as Settings.


3. Choose the sub-category you would like to follow, such as User Roles and Rights.


4. Click the Follow button to save your desired topics listed in your sub-category. 


5. You can narrow down your topic more. To do this, select a topic within your sub-category, such as General Information about User Roles & Rights, then click the Follow button.


Note: You can view the topics and articles you are following when logged into the Help Center by clicking your Name > My Activities


Be sure to select the Following section so you can view and manage the articles you are following.


The Rating Function

The rating function allows you to inform Service Autopilot if an article was or wasn't useful. This helps us identify articles that need improvement so we can ensure you are getting the information you need in a way we can all understand.

The poll is located at the bottom of every article and asks, "Was this article helpful?"
All you have to do is select the thumbs up or thumbs down icon so the system can alert the SA team. 


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