❓ FAQs

Below is a list of FAQs compiled from our members. You can click on the question at the top and it will take you to the question and answer below.

Tip: Use Control + F on your keyboard (or Command + F for Mac users) to search keywords within the FAQ!

General FAQs

  1. Is it possible to share custom views or filters with my coworkers?
  2. How do I switch from V2 to the new version of SA (or vice versa)?
  3. When is V2 going away?
  4. Do you have an open API or allow for Zapier integration?

Client FAQs

  1. Why is my Client balance incorrect?
  2. How do I add an Employee to the Sales Rep dropdown?
  3. Is it possible to send a bulk text to Clients?
  4. How do I stop receiving alerts on a Ticket?
  5. Can I turn off the Client unsubscribed and scheduling alerts?

Resources FAQs

  1. What is the difference between the Hourly and Salary compensation types on the Payroll/Job Costing tab of the Employee edit screen?

Scheduling FAQs

  1. How do I schedule a non-billable job, such as an Estimate, with or without a Client/Lead?
  2. Why is my resource not showing up in the job assignment dropdown?
  3. Why are my Jobs and Events not showing on the Calendar?
  4. Why are my recurring Jobs not showing on the Dispatch Board?
  5. Why are my package Jobs not showing on the Waiting List?
  6. Why is the Visit overlay not opening when I click the Service name on the Dispatch Board?
  7. Why are my route sheets blank?

Accounting FAQs

  1. How do I create an Invoice for a Job in the future?
  2. Why did the Client's Contract Invoice generate before the start date of the Contract?
  3. How do I delete a Contract?
  4. How do I apply a credit to an Invoice?
  5. What are subscriptions?

Marketing FAQs

  1. How do I check if an email was delivered?
  2. How do I send an automatic email to the Account once a V3 Form is filled out?
  3. What is the Websites option under Marketing?

Estimate FAQs

  1. Why is the subtotal at the bottom of the View My Proposal page not updating to reflect the selections on the Estimate?
  2. Why have my Estimate line items disappeared from the Estimate overlay?
  3. Why is the change I made to the Estimate Document not showing on the Estimate I'm currently working on?

Mobile Apps FAQs

  1. How do I fix an incorrect location for a Client?
  2. Why does the app say I am out of storage when I try to take a photo?
  3. The Legacy App says that I'm still working on a job from a different date or time. How do I correct this so I can start today's job?
  4. Which OS versions do you support for the Legacy and Team Apps? (What type of device do I buy?)
  5. What is the current version number of the Legacy and Team Apps? How do I know if I have the current app version?

Client Portal FAQs

  1. How do I tell if my Client has signed up for Autopay?
  2. My Client is locked out of the Client Portal. How do we unlock it?
  3. My Client forgot their username and password. How do we reset it so they can log in?

Automations FAQs

  1. Why is my Client not entering the Automation even though they match all of the triggers?
  2. Why are emails not being sent in an Automation?

Reports FAQs

  1. Where do I find the prebuilt Reports from Service Autopilot? How come I can't see all of the Reports listed in the User Guide?
  2. What Report will show me a list of completed Services for a specified timeframe?
  3. How do I run a Report on revenue?
  4. What type of system data cannot be pulled into a Custom Analysis?
  5. Which canned reports cannot be made into a Custom Analysis?
  6. What is clocked time vs billable time?
  7. How do I troubleshoot when my Analysis only spins and won’t open?
  8. How do I troubleshoot when my Analysis loads but won’t export?
  9. How do I rename an Analysis?
  10. What causes a divide by zero error in a custom formula?
  11. Why are my financial Reports showing different revenue totals?


Is it possible to share custom views or filters with my coworkers?

Currently, it is not possible to share views. Saved views are unique per login.

How do I switch from V2 to the new version of SA (or vice versa)?
You can switch between V2 and the new version of SA by navigating to your desired screen and setting your toggle or by using the try it out and switch back buttons in the banner at the top of your screen. .
When is V2 going away?
Currently, there is no end date for V2. We will update our members as soon as we have more information.
Do you have an open API or allow for Zapier integration?
We do not have an open API nor do we allow Zapier integration.



Why is my Client balance incorrect?

There can be several reasons for this but the primary reason is that the Client is missing a transaction. The Client balance is the total of all transactions on file for the client. It is recommended to review the transaction history to see where something might be missing.

How do I add an Employee to the Sales Rep dropdown?

This dropdown is controlled by two locations: within the Employee profile and on the Settings > Sales Rep screen. First, navigate to Team > Employees > Select the employee > Click Edit > Select the User Settings tab > Select the checkbox next to "Is a Sales Person."
Second, go to Settings > Sales Rep > Inactive tab. If the employee is located under the inactive tab, select their name, put a checkmark next to "Active," and then click Save.

Is it possible to send a bulk text to Clients?
If you have purchased Two Way Texting, it is possible to send a bulk text using an Automation. It is not possible to send a bulk text if you have not subscribed to Two Way Texting.
How do I stop receiving alerts on a Ticket?
Unfollow the Ticket to stop receiving alerts. Navigate to CRM > Tickets and click the eye icon next to the ticket to remove yourself as a watcher.
Can I turn off the Client unsubscribed and scheduling alerts?
Currently it is not possible to turn off these alerts.



What is the difference between the Hourly and Salary compensation types on the Payroll/Job Costing tab of the Employee edit screen?

 This selection is for filtering only. All Employees will need to be designated as Hourly or Salary under Team > Employees > click on the Employee name > Edit > Payroll/Job Costing tab. Then when you are on the Accounting > Payroll Report you can add a filter at the top for "Wage Type". This is useful to filter for Hourly only so your Salary employees do not show up on your Payroll Report.



How do I schedule a non-billable Job, such as an Estimate, with or without a Client/Lead?

You will want to use the Calendar Event feature for this.

Why is my resource not showing up in the Job assignment dropdown?
There are three items we recommend you enable for all employees to ensure they show up in the necessary dropdowns. Navigate to Team > Employees > Click on the Employee in question > Click Edit > Select the User Settings tab > Make sure "Show in Selection List", "Show in Calendar List", and "Field Time Clock" are all enabled.
Why are my Jobs and Events not showing on the Calendar?
This is usually due to the start time on the Job or event being before the start time for your company. Navigate to Settings > Company information > Settings tab > Adjust the "Start time of work day" and "End time of work day" as needed. We recommend a start time around 6:00 or 7:00 a.m. to ensure all schedules are included.
Why are my recurring Jobs not showing on the Dispatch Board?

This is most likely due to the Master Schedule the jobs are assigned to not being updated. Navigate to Settings > Master Schedules > Select each schedule to update them. See the Master Schedules - Add a Master Schedule article and start at step 4.

Why are my package Jobs not showing on the Waiting List?
This happens usually for one of two reasons:
  1. One or more Master Packages need to be renewed and generated.
  2. The jobs on the Waiting List are still within the Minimum Days set on the Master Package. You can either uncheck "Use Minimum Days Since" or move the date to have the jobs show up. 
Why is the Visit overlay not opening when I click the Service name on the Dispatch Board?
Most likely this is a work order job. A work order is a way to combine multiple jobs into one line item on the Dispatch Board. To open the Visit, you will first need to click the collapse icon on the right of the line item to open the work order, then you will be able to click on the Service to open the Visit overlay.
Why are my route sheets blank?
A job must be in dispatch status for it to show on the route sheet. 



How do I create an Invoice for a Job in the future?

If there is an Estimate for this Job, you can create the Invoice directly from the Estimate. To do this, open the Estimate Overlay. You will see an Invoice option In the middle above the line items.

If there is no Estimate, you will need to create the Invoice manually.

Important: Keep in mind that regardless of which method you use to create the Invoice, the Job will still automatically create an invoice.

Why did the Client's Contract Invoice generate before the start date of the Contract?
The start and end dates of a Contract (or Installment Plan) do not determine when Invoices start and stop generating. As long as the Contract is active and there is an amount for the month, it will continue to generate.
How do I delete a Contract?
Currently, it is not possible to delete a Contract or Installment Plan. You will want to make it inactive instead. 
How do I apply a credit to an Invoice?
First add, save, and close the Credit. Once closed, re-open the credit to see the option to apply it to Invoices.
What are subscriptions?
Subscriptions are a way to bill your Client a set amount each month without a scheduled recurring Job. However, subscription invoicing is not automatic and is not built into reporting, thus we highly recommend you use Contracts or Installment Plans instead.



How do I check if an email was delivered?

This information is available in two different locations:

  1. Navigate to Marketing > Email Activity > Click on the box labeled Requests > Use the filter at the top to search for the Client or email address.
  2. Navigate to the Client Account > Scroll down to the Activity Stream > Locate the email in the activity feed and check just below the "To" field to see an indication of the email's status.
How do I send an automatic email to the Account once a V3 form is filled out?
You will use the Email Notifications portion of the Form Configure step to add this.
What is the Websites option under Marketing?
This is an obsolete feature that is no longer functional. You may disregard it. If you accidentally entered something under the "Add External Site" option, do not worry as you will not be charged and it will have no affect on your SA account.



Why is the subtotal at the bottom of the View My Proposal page not updating to reflect the selections on the Estimate?

The "Amount" column on the Estimate Grid is required to properly update the Subtotal on the View My Proposal page.

Why have my Estimate line items disappeared from the Estimate overlay?
This is most likely due to the status filters that show as tabs above the line item section of the Estimate. See the "Estimate Overlay" article for more information on the overlay and scroll to the bottom for information on the status tabs.
Why is the change I made to the Estimate Document not showing on the Estimate I'm currently working on?
You will need to click on Reload button next to the Estimate document dropdown on the Estimate overlay to bring in the changes made to the document.


Mobile Apps

How do I fix an incorrect location for a Client?

The map location is determined by the coordinates on file for the Client. You can find these coordinates on the Client page by clicking Edit and going to the Details tab. There is a latitude and longitude field that you can use to enter the correct coordinates and update the map location.

Why does the app say I am out of storage when I try to take a photo?
There is a back-end storage amount set for your company. Increasing this will remove this error message. Please contact our support team to increase your storage. There is no cost for this upgrade.
The Legacy App says that I'm still working on a job from a different date or time. How do I correct this so I can start today's job?
This can be corrected by opening Service Autopilot on the main website and navigating to Accounting > Timesheets. The error will state the Employee(s) and time that you will need to navigate to. Once on the Employee and date of the error, click on the Work Time tab below the Actions dropdown. Locate the time entry that is open-ended and shows as "Working." Click on this entry to add an end time or remove this entry completely. This should remove the error. If the error persists, however, then complete a "Clean" on the app by tapping the header that says "My Schedule" three times. This will open a debug window. Click Clean.
Which OS versions do you support for the Legacy and Team Apps? What type of device do I buy?
You need to ensure your device has the supported OS for our Apps to work. It's also important to note that mobile OS versions are typically updated yearly so you'll need to purchase a device that will stay as up-to-date as possible.

  • For iOS, we support the latest official version plus two previous official versions.
  • For Android, we support the latest official version plus three previous official versions.
For example, if the current Android OS version is 13, we would support versions 10, 11, 12, and 13 but once version 14 is released, version 10 would no longer be supported.
What is the current version number of the Legacy and Team Apps? How do I know if I have the current app version?
Team App Current Versions

  • Android: Version 1.23.0914
  • iOS: Version 1.23.0914
Legacy App Current Versions

  • Android: Version 1.23.0721
  • iOS: Version 1.23.0818
To find the version of app that you are running:

  • Team App - The version number is located on the login page below the Log In button.
  • Legacy App - The version number is located on the login page below the Remember toggle.


Client Portal

How do I tell if my Client has signed up for Autopay?

Currently, there is no filter or report specifically for this data. You can see if your Client has signed up for Autopay by checking if they have a credit card on file and if their payment method is set to a credit card type. You can find a more detailed explanation of the Autopay feature in the article "Client Portal - Autopay Explained".

My Client is locked out of the Client Portal. How do we unlock it?
The lockout is temporary and will expire on its own. The Client will need to wait approximately 10 minutes and then try again, or use the Forgot Password option to recover their Account.
My Client forgot their username and password. How do we reset it so they can log in?
For the security of their Account, only the Client is able to reset their password. You can provide the username to the client by going to the Client Account in Service Autopilot > click Edit > Select the Details tab. With that username, the Client can then reset their password by going to the login screen of the Client Portal and clicking Forgot my password.



Why is my Client not entering the Automation even though they match all of the triggers?

The primary reason this occurs is because the requirement for the "Automation_Test" tag has not been removed from the triggers. This tag trigger is used for testing. Once the Automation is ready, this trigger can be removed.

Why are emails not sending in an Automation?
Most likely the "Approve Email" option is selected on the email event. This requires the emails to be approved before being sent to the Account.



Where do I find the prebuilt Reports from Service Autopilot?

The prebuilt ("canned") reports can be found under Reports > Report Center > Select the third icon on the left for SA Reports. If you still do not see the Reports, you would need to check your permissions under User Roles and Rights.

What Report will show me a list of completed Services for a specified timeframe?
The Visits report has this information. You can find this report under Reports > Report Center > SA reports (3rd icon on the left) > Scroll down to the last report on the list.
How do I run a Report on revenue?
We have a "Revenue" report section you can access by navigating to Reports > Report Center > SA reports (3rd icon on the left).
You may also want to use the Profit/Loss reports under the "Financial" section.
What type of system data cannot be pulled into a Custom Analysis?
      • Employee Data 
      • Tags
      • Chemical Tracking
      • Autopay
      • Client's Package Renewal types - Auto, Call to Renew, Do Not Renew
      • Job Comments
      • Installed Products
      • Franchise Reports
      • Specific Snow data - bill depth, plan depth, temperature, and asset type
Which canned reports cannot be made into a custom Analysis?
Profit & Loss Reports, A/R Reports, and the QuickBooks Comparison Report
What is clocked time vs billable time?
Clocked time is the total time in which the Resources were clocked into the Job from start to finish. Billable time is the actual Job time and will change based on the clocked time for the Job
How do I troubleshoot when my Analysis only spins and won’t open?
This is related to loading and processing too much data which leads to the browser timing out and throwing the error. The resolution would be to attempt to load the data in parts or filter for less data.
How do I troubleshoot when my Analysis loads but won’t export?
You could run into this issue if you are attempting to export a Report that has emojis or other characters that aren't accepted for export. The export only supports words, letters, and some basic special characters as data that can be exported. If you have any unsupported characters in your export, you will need to remove them for the report to be exported.
You could also run into this issue if there is too much data being exported. You can attempt to filter the information and export it in parts to resolve.
How do I rename an Analysis?
Open the Analysis you wish to change and click on the left of the top gray banner. You will then be able to enter a new name and click save.
What causes a divide by zero error in a custom formula?
The formula may contain the need for a total of Total Man Hours. You will receive the error if you have some jobs that have no billable hours clocked. The solution would be to add a filter to exclude any job with 0.00 in the Billable Hours column.
Why are my financial Reports showing different revenue totals?
It is important to keep in mind that each Report may be pulling data from different data sets (for example Invoices vs Payments) and thus could be different based on the data in your system. It is recommended to check the Report User Guide to see from where each Report pulls its data. It is also important to check any filters you may have applied to see if that could be changing the expected results.
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