Create a Bulk Price Update - Recurring and Package Jobs

The Bulk Price Update feature allows you to update the prices for your Client's active recurring or Package Jobs. The feature will first need to be enabled under User Roles & Rights. This feature will update the price for the selected master Job for the Client. Only non-dispatched future visits will be updated.

Warning: Currently it is not possible to undo a Bulk Price Update. However, you can decrease rates in bulk.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Bulk Price Update.
  2. Click Create Bulk Price Update in the top right of the screen.
  3. The Create Bulk Price Update dialog will appear.


  4. Fill out the fields as needed. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

    Important: At this time, we highly recommend you create a unique tag for each price increase. You will need this tag to find clients who were a part of the bulk increase but received an error. If a client received an error, they will not receive the tag.

    Field Explanation
    Update Name Name of the price update. This is what will appear in the audit trail on the master jobs that receive the update.
    Schedule Date Use this field to schedule the Bulk Price Update for a future date. It will default to today's date. If scheduled for the future, it is possible to cancel the update from the list screen.
    Update Type Choose to update by a percentage or a flat rate dollar amount.

    Note: If updating a Package by a flat rate, the amount entered will be spread out evenly among each round. For example, a $10 price increase for a Package with two rounds will increase each active round by $5.

    Percentage/Flat Rate The amount by which you want to increase or decrease the service rate. Percentage updates will only increase or decrease Services and Packages with a rate greater than $0. 
    Note: If you're using a Flate Rate, you can now enter a number with up to two decimals places. The price increase is applied to jobs and visits, then rounding rules are applied.
    Increase or Decrease

    Increase to raise the price or decrease to reduce the price.

    Rounding Rules Round up to the nearest dollar, round down to the nearest dollar, or do not round. For example, if you choose round up and the price comes to $12.02, then it'll round up to $13.00.
    Product Type Choose individual recurring services or packages.
    Services/Packages The Recurring Service or Package to be updated. Recurring Services are those scheduled using Master Schedules or Custom Schedules. Packages are Master Packages or Custom Packages.
    Update Description Description of the price update. This will appear on the Bulk Price Update screen. 
    Tags Applied Choose to add Tags to Clients that successfully receive the update.
  5. Click Continue to go to the Account selection screen.

  6. Deselect any Accounts you do not want to receive the update. You can narrow down the list by using the search function and tag or Account Type filters.
  7. Click Create Update to start the Bulk Price Update.

    Note:  Only non-dispatched visits in the future will be updated.

  8. You will now see your update listed on the Bulk Price Update page along with a status column. The following are possible statuses:
    Status Explanation
    Scheduled The price update request is scheduled for a future date. A scheduled request will run immediately after midnight on the date selected.
    Pending The price update request is in the queue but not yet processing.
    In Progress The price update request is currently being processed by the system.
    Completed The price update request is complete and all clients with the selected service have been updated successfully.
    Error The price update is complete, however, at least one Client did not receive the update. Filter the client list for the Service and Does Not Have Tag to find the Client or Clients that were unsuccessful. 

    Note: The status field will not update automatically. Refresh your browser to check for an update on the status.

  9. If you scheduled an update for a future date and wish to cancel it, select the item on the list view and choose cancel from the actions on the left.


    Note: Only future-scheduled updates can be cancelled. Scheduled updates will run immediately after midnight for the day selected. 

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